

Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA103ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I )Z202.02.02Kavramlar, tanımlar, ders yöntemleri ve kaynakların tanımı, Sanayi Devrimi ve Fransız Devrimi, Osmanlı Devleti’nin Dağılışı (XIX. Yüzyıl), Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanı, I. ve II. Meşrutiyet, Trablusgarp ve Balkan Savaşları, I. Dünya Savaşı, Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması, Wilson İlkeleri, Paris Konferansı, M. Kemal’in Samsun’a Çıkışı ve Anadolu’daki Durum, Amasya Genelgesi, Ulusal Kongreler, Mebusan Meclisinin Açılışı, TBMM’nin Kuruluşu ve İç İsyanlar, Teşkilat-ı Esasi Kanunu, Düzenli Ordunun Kuruluşu, I. İnönü, II. İnönü, Kütahya-Eskişehir, Sakarya Meydan Muharebesi ve Büyük Taarruz, Kurtuluş Savaşı sırasındaki antlaşmalarIntroduction, Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat and Islahat Eras, Tripoli and Balkan Wars, World War I, The Armistice of Moudros, the Occupation of Anatolia and the National Reactions, The Birth of the Turkish Revolution, Turkish War of Independence, The Armistice of Mudanya, The Treaty of Lausanne.
CMP101COMPUTER I ( COMPUTER I )Z202.02.02This course is an introduction to everyday use of computer and information technologies. Computers are part of our life at homes, schools, institutions and businesses are engaged in an ever-growing partnership with computers. Moreover, computers will play an even greater role in our lives in the years to come as a result of developing technology.
LAW115INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL SYSTEM AND COMPARISION OF LEGAL SYSTEMS ( INTRODUCTION TO LEGAL SYSTEM AND COMPARISION OF LEGAL SYSTEMS )Z303.04.031. **Introduction to Legal Systems:** - Definition and characteristics of legal systems. - Historical development of legal systems. 2. **Classification of Legal Systems:** - Civil law systems. - Common law systems. - Religious legal systems. - Hybrid legal systems. 3. **Sources of Law:** - Legislation. - Precedent. - Customary law. - Religious texts. 4. **Legal Institutions:** - Overview of legal institutions such as courts, legislatures, and executive bodies. - Judicial systems and hierarchies. 5. **Legal Tradition:** - Exploring the foundations and principles of different legal traditions. - Examining the cultural and historical influences on legal systems. 6. **Comparative Legal Methodology:** - Techniques and methodologies for comparing legal systems. - Understanding the challenges and limitations of comparative law. 7. **Role of Judges and Legal Professionals:** - The function and role of judges in different legal systems. - Legal education and the training of legal professionals. 8. **Constitutional Law:** - Examination of constitutional frameworks in various legal systems. - Comparison of constitutional principles and structures. 9. **Case Studies:** - Analysis of specific legal systems or legal issues from different jurisdictions. - Comparative case studies to illustrate differences and similarities. 10. **International and Supranational Legal Systems:** - Overview of international law and organizations. - The role of supranational entities (e.g., European Union) in shaping legal systems. 11. **Legal Reform and Globalization:** - The impact of globalization on legal systems. - Legal reform and harmonization efforts. 12. **Cultural and Socioeconomic Factors:** - Understanding how cultural and socioeconomic factors influence legal systems. - Examining the relationship between law and society. 13. **Legal Pluralism:** - Recognition and coexistence of multiple legal systems within a jurisdiction. - Challenges and opportunities posed by legal pluralism. 14. **Comparative Legal Writing:** - Developing skills in writing comparative legal analyses. - Researching and presenting findings on legal system comparisons. 15. **Legal Language and Terminology:** - Exploring the language and terminology used in different legal systems. - Challenges in translating legal concepts. This course provides students with a foundational understanding of various legal systems, the factors influencing their development, and the methods used to compare and analyze them. The emphasis is on developing critical thinking skills and a broader perspective on legal principles and practices worldwide.
LAW117LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING-I ( LEGAL RESEARCH AND WRITING-I )Z303.04.03The course, conducted in English, mainly aims to develop basic communication methods and especially students' writing and speaking skills in English. In this context, it is ensured that students develop their writing techniques effectively and general information is given about their communication and correspondence with clients.1. **Introduction to Legal Research:** - Overview of legal research methodologies. - Understanding the structure of legal authorities (statutes, case law, regulations). 2. **Legal Research Tools:** - Introduction to legal research databases and online resources. - Training on using tools such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, and other legal research platforms. - Accessing and using library resources. 3. **Legal Writing Fundamentals:** - Principles of effective legal writing. - Grammar, syntax, and style in legal writing. - Drafting clear and concise legal documents. 4. **Legal Citation:** - Introduction to legal citation styles (e.g., The Bluebook or ALWD Citation Manual). - Proper citation of statutes, cases, regulations, and other legal authorities. 5. **Analytical Skills:** - Developing critical thinking skills in legal analysis. - Identifying legal issues and relevant facts. - Constructing legal arguments. 6. **Drafting Legal Documents:** - Structuring and drafting legal memoranda. - Drafting legal briefs, motions, and pleadings. - Writing client letters and other legal correspondence. 7. **Ethical Considerations in Legal Research and Writing:** - Understanding and applying legal ethics. - Avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity. - Confidentiality and conflicts of interest in legal writing. 8. **Legal Technology:** - Introduction to legal research software and tools. - Use of technology in legal writing and document preparation. 9. **Legal Analysis and Reasoning:** - Application of legal principles to specific fact patterns. - Case briefing and legal analysis exercises. 10. **Practical Exercises and Assignments:** - Conducting legal research on assigned topics. - Drafting legal documents based on hypothetical scenarios. - Peer review and feedback on written assignments. 11. **Oral Advocacy Skills (optional):** - Presentation and argumentation skills. - Moot court exercises or simulated oral arguments. 12. **Legal Writing Workshops:** - Interactive sessions focusing on specific writing skills and techniques. - Peer editing and review sessions. 13. **Legal Research and Writing Project:** - A major research and writing project that allows students to apply the skills learned throughout the course to a real-world legal problem. These content areas collectively provide students with a comprehensive understanding of legal research and writing, preparing them for the practical demands of legal practice. The course often emphasizes a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application through hands-on exercises and assignments.
LAW119INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LAW ( INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE AND PUBLIC LAW )Z303.05.03**Introduction to Law:** - Definition and nature of law. - Overview of legal systems and traditions. **Distinction Between Private and Public Law:** 1. **Private Law:** - Introduction to the concept of private law. - Rights and obligations of individuals. - Contracts, torts, and property law. - Family law and succession. 2. **Public Law:** - Introduction to the concept of public law. - Constitutional law. - Administrative law. - Criminal law. - Environmental law. - International law. **Legal Research and Analysis:** - Introduction to legal research methods. - Analysis of legal sources, including statutes, regulations, and case law. **Legal Writing Skills:** - Basics of legal writing and communication. - Drafting legal documents in both private and public law contexts. **Ethics in Legal Practice:** - Overview of ethical considerations in private and public law. - Professional responsibility and ethical obligations of legal practitioners. **Contract Law (Private Law):** - Formation of contracts. - Terms of a contract. - Breach of contract and remedies. **Tort Law (Private Law):** - Introduction to tort law. - Negligence, intentional torts, and strict liability. - Defenses to tort claims. **Property Law (Private Law):** - Types of property. - Transfer of property. - Landlord-tenant relationships. **Constitutional Law (Public Law):** - Structure and principles of constitutions. - Fundamental rights and liberties. - Separation of powers. **Administrative Law (Public Law):** - Role and powers of administrative agencies. - Judicial review of administrative decisions. - Administrative procedures. **Criminal Law (Public Law):** - Elements of a crime. - Defenses to criminal charges. - Criminal procedures. **International Law (Public Law):** - Overview of international legal principles. - Treaties and international agreements. - Jurisdiction and state responsibility. **Environmental Law (Public Law):** - Overview of environmental regulations. - Conservation and protection of natural resources. - Environmental impact assessments. **Legal Systems and Cultural Context:** - Consideration of how legal concepts vary across different legal systems and cultures. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of legal cases to apply theoretical knowledge. - Practical exercises and simulations to solve legal problems. **Guest Lectures and Seminars:** - Invited speakers discussing specific legal topics or sharing practical insights. **Legal Discussions and Debates:** - Class discussions on contemporary legal issues. - Debates on legal theories and principles. This course aims to provide students with a broad understanding of the foundational principles of private and public law, offering them a comprehensive introduction to various legal concepts and frameworks.
ORI100ORIENTATION ( ORIENTATION )Z000.00.00The contents of the ORY 100 University Life Introduction Course at Cyprus Science University cover various aspects aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of university life. The course typically includes the following key components: 1. Introduction to University Resources: - Overview of academic and administrative resources available on campus. - Introduction to libraries, research facilities, and online databases. 2. Academic Guidance: - Guidance on course selection, academic planning, and understanding degree requirements. - Information on grading systems, academic policies, and procedures. 3. Social Integration: - Activities to promote interaction among students and build a sense of community. - Introduction to student clubs, organizations, and extracurricular opportunities. 4. Time Management and Study Skills: - Strategies for effective time management to balance academic and personal life. - Study skills, note-taking techniques, and exam preparation. 5. Career and Professional Development: - Overview of career services and resources available to students. - Introduction to internship opportunities, resume building, and career planning. 6. Health and Wellness: - Information on campus health services and resources. - Promoting physical and mental well-being, stress management, and coping strategies. 7. Ethical Conduct and Academic Integrity: - Discussion on academic ethics, plagiarism, and the importance of integrity. - Understanding the university's code of conduct. 8. Technology and Campus Systems: - Familiarization with the university's online platforms, learning management systems, and student portals. - Guidance on using technology for academic purposes. 9. Diversity and Inclusion: - Exploration of cultural diversity and inclusivity on campus. - Understanding and respecting differences among students. 10. Orientation to University Policies: - Overview of important university policies, rules, and regulations. - Information on student rights and responsibilities. 11. Student Support Services: - Introduction to counseling services, academic advising, and support available for students facing challenges. By covering these diverse topics, the ORY 100 course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful and fulfilling university experience.
PDP400PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES ( KİŞİSEL GELİŞİM UYGULAMALARI )Z000.00.00The contents of the "KGU-400 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for undergraduate programs) and "KGU-200 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for associate degree programs) at Cyprus Science University cover a range of topics aimed at fostering holistic development. The course units typically include: 1. Introduction to Social and Personal Development: - Overview of the importance of social and personal development in academic and professional life. 2. Cultural Awareness and Diversity: - Exploration of cultural differences, promoting cultural competence, and fostering an understanding of diversity. 3. Communication Skills: - Development of effective verbal and written communication skills, including interpersonal and professional communication. 4. Teamwork and Collaboration: - Emphasis on the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and effective group dynamics. 5. Time Management and Goal Setting: - Strategies for effective time management, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks for academic and personal success. 6. Leadership and Decision-Making: - Introduction to leadership principles, decision-making processes, and problem-solving skills. 7. Stress Management and Well-being: - Techniques for managing stress, maintaining mental health, and promoting overall well-being. 8. Career Development and Planning: - Guidance on career exploration, planning, and the development of a professional identity. 9. Community Engagement and Service Learning: - Encouragement of community involvement, social responsibility, and the benefits of service learning. 10. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: - Development of critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies applicable in various contexts. 11. Ethics and Integrity: - Discussions on ethical principles, integrity, and the importance of ethical behavior in personal and professional life. 12. Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: - Activities promoting self-reflection, self-awareness, and strategies for personal growth. 13. Academic Success Strategies: - Techniques for effective study habits, exam preparation, and academic success. 14. Technological Literacy: - Familiarization with technology tools and platforms relevant to personal and professional development. 15. Participation in On-Campus Activities: - Encouragement and facilitation of participation in various on-campus events, clubs, and organizations. The comprehensive content of these courses aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for personal, academic, and professional success, fostering a well-rounded and capable individual.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA104ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II )Z202.02.02Siyasal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Hukuk Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, Eğitim ve Kültür Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, İktisâdi Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Sosyal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Atatürk İlkeleri, Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış PolitikasıThis course introduces the features of the Turkish Revolution and similar concepts, the reforms of the Ottoman Empire before the Turkish Revolution, the importance of Ataturk’s reforms, the emergence of Ataturk’s thought system and the revolutionary effect of the new Turkish Republic, and the Turkish war of independence.
CMP102COMPUTER II ( COMPUTER II )Z202.02.02The contents of the General Computer Course Unit cover a wide range of topics spanning fundamental concepts in computer science, practical applications, and digital literacy skills.
LAW116LEGAL PHILOSOPHY ( LEGAL PHILOSOPHY )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Legal Philosophy:** - Definition and scope of legal philosophy. - Relationship between law and philosophy. 2. **Nature of Law:** - Exploration of different theories on the nature of law. - Legal positivism, natural law theory, and legal realism. 3. **Legal Positivism:** - Examination of key tenets of legal positivism. - Analysis of the views of influential legal positivist thinkers. 4. **Natural Law Theory:** - Overview of natural law theory and its historical development. - Exploration of the relationship between law and morality. 5. **Legal Realism:** - Introduction to legal realism as a school of thought. - Critique of formalistic legal reasoning. 6. **Critical Legal Studies:** - Exploration of critical legal studies and its critique of legal structures. - Examination of power dynamics in legal systems. 7. **Legal Hermeneutics and Interpretation:** - Study of legal interpretation and hermeneutics. - Understanding the challenges of interpreting legal texts. 8. **Concepts of Justice:** - Exploration of different theories of justice. - Distributive justice, retributive justice, and corrective justice. 9. **Rights and Liberties:** - Philosophical foundations of rights and liberties. - Exploration of individual rights and the tension between rights. 10. **Legal Morality and Ethics:** - Examination of the moral foundations of law. - Ethical considerations in legal decision-making. 11. **Philosophy of Legal Language:** - Analysis of the role of language in legal reasoning. - Semiotics and linguistic philosophy applied to law. 12. **Philosophy of Punishment:** - Examination of the theories of punishment. - Retributive, deterrent, and rehabilitative theories. 13. **Social Contract Theory:** - Exploration of social contract theories and their implications for legal systems. - Contractarian views on the legitimacy of law. 14. **Philosophy of Constitutionalism:** - Understanding the philosophical foundations of constitutionalism. - The role of constitutions in limiting state power. 15. **Global Legal Philosophy:** - Consideration of legal philosophy in a global context. - Comparative legal philosophy and the challenges of cultural diversity. 16. **Philosophy of Legal Education:** - Reflection on the philosophy behind legal education. - The role of legal philosophy in shaping legal pedagogy. 17. **Legal Pluralism:** - Exploration of legal pluralism and the coexistence of legal systems. - Recognition of diverse legal norms within a jurisdiction. 18. **Feminist Legal Philosophy:** - Examination of feminist perspectives on law and legal philosophy. - Critique of gender bias in legal systems. 19. **Philosophy of Human Rights:** - Discussion of the philosophical foundations of human rights. - Critique of cultural relativism and universalism. 20. **Postmodernist Perspectives on Law:** - Introduction to postmodernist critiques of legal concepts. - Deconstruction of legal narratives and metanarratives.
LAW120HUMAN RIGHTS LAW ( HUMAN RIGHTS LAW )Z303.05.03The historical development of human rights law, basic classical texts, international sources, nationally established fundamental rights protection mechanisms and judicial or non-judicial protection mechanisms working at international level, their functioning constitute the general content of this course.1. **Introduction to Human Rights:** - Definition and historical evolution of human rights. - Philosophical foundations and theories underpinning human rights. 2. **International Human Rights Instruments:** - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). - International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). - International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). - Other key international treaties and conventions. 3. **Regional Human Rights Systems:** - European Convention on Human Rights. - Inter-American Court of Human Rights. - African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. 4. **National Implementation of Human Rights:** - Incorporation of international human rights norms into national legal systems. - Constitutional protections for human rights. 5. **Legal Mechanisms for Human Rights Protection:** - Role of international and regional courts and tribunals. - National human rights institutions. - Non-judicial mechanisms for human rights protection. 6. **Categories of Human Rights:** - Civil and political rights. - Economic, social, and cultural rights. - Collective rights and group rights. - Rights of vulnerable populations (e.g., women, children, refugees). 7. **Human Rights in Armed Conflict:** - International humanitarian law and human rights. - Protection of civilians in armed conflict. - Accountability for war crimes. 8. **Freedom of Expression and Media Rights:** - Protection of freedom of speech and media rights. - Balancing freedom of expression with other rights. 9. **Equality and Non-Discrimination:** - Principles of equality and non-discrimination. - Addressing discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and other grounds. 10. **Rights of Refugees and Migrants:** - Legal protections for refugees and asylum-seekers. - Migrant rights and challenges. 11. **Children's Rights:** - International legal frameworks for the protection of children's rights. - Child labor, exploitation, and education. 12. **Environmental Rights:** - Connection between human rights and the environment. - Access to information and justice in environmental matters. 13. **Gender and Human Rights:** - Gender-based discrimination and violence. - Women's rights and reproductive rights. 14. **Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights:** - Responsibilities of corporations in respecting human rights. - Business and human rights frameworks. 15. **Transitional Justice:** - Addressing human rights violations in post-conflict or transitional societies. - Truth and reconciliation commissions, prosecutions, and reparations. 16. **Emerging Issues in Human Rights:** - Technological advancements and human rights. - Global challenges and responses. 17. **Human Rights Advocacy and Practice:** - Strategies for human rights advocacy. - Role of NGOs, activists, and legal practitioners. 18. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Practical exercises in legal research and writing related to human rights issues. - Case analyses and memoranda. 19. **Ethics in Human Rights Law:** - Ethical considerations in human rights advocacy and legal practice. - Balancing competing rights and interests. 20. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Real-world examples and case studies illustrating human rights challenges and responses. - Simulation exercises for practical application of legal principles.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
LAW215CRIMINAL LAW-I ( CRIMINAL LAW-I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Criminal Law:** - Definition and nature of criminal law. - Distinction between civil and criminal law. 2. **Sources of Criminal Law:** - Examination of statutory law, common law, and constitutional provisions that form the basis of criminal law. 3. **Elements of a Crime:** - Analysis of the components of a crime, including actus reus and mens rea. - Exploration of causation and concurrence. 4. **Classification of Crimes:** - Categorization of crimes into different types (e.g., felonies, misdemeanors). - Overview of violent crimes, property crimes, white-collar crimes, etc. 5. **Criminal Defenses:** - Examination of legal defenses, including justification, excuse, and procedural defenses. - Discussion of self-defense, insanity, duress, and entrapment. 6. **Parties to a Crime:** - Analysis of principles related to accomplice liability and liability of parties involved in a criminal offense. 7. **Inchoate Offenses:** - Study of inchoate offenses, such as attempt, conspiracy, and solicitation. 8. **Homicide:** - Examination of the various forms of homicide, including murder and manslaughter. - Degrees of murder and manslaughter. 9. **Assault and Battery:** - Definition and differentiation between assault and battery. - Aggravated assault and battery. 10. **Sex Crimes:** - Overview of sexual offenses, including rape, sexual assault, and other related crimes. - Consent and issues of sexual consent. 11. **Property Crimes:** - Exploration of crimes against property, such as theft, burglary, and robbery. 12. **White-Collar Crimes:** - Analysis of white-collar crimes, including fraud, embezzlement, and insider trading. 13. **Cybercrimes:** - Examination of criminal offenses related to computer systems and the internet. 14. **Drug Offenses:** - Overview of drug-related crimes, including possession, trafficking, and manufacturing. - The impact of drug laws on criminal justice. 15. **Criminal Procedure:** - Introduction to criminal procedure rules, including searches and seizures, arrests, and the right to counsel. 16. **Miranda Rights:** - Analysis of the Miranda warning and its significance in criminal investigations. 17. **Criminal Sentencing:** - Examination of sentencing principles, including factors influencing the determination of sentences. 18. **Juvenile Justice System:** - Overview of the juvenile justice system and the treatment of juvenile offenders. 19. **Criminal Law and Constitutional Rights:** - Exploration of constitutional protections for individuals accused of crimes. - The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments. 20. **Comparative and International Criminal Law:** - Consideration of criminal law principles in different legal systems and international contexts. 21. **Emerging Issues in Criminal Law:** - Discussion of contemporary issues in criminal law, such as technology, mental health, and changes in criminal statutes. 22. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to criminal law. 23. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world criminal cases and practical scenarios to apply legal principles. 24. **Ethical Considerations in Criminal Law:** - Discussion of ethical issues related to criminal law practice, including the prosecutor's role and defense attorney ethics. 25. **Continuing Legal Education (CLE):** - Opportunities for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) to stay updated on changes in criminal law, case law, and legal trends.
LAW217CONTRACTS LAW-I ( CONTRACTS LAW-I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Contract Law:** - Definition and nature of contracts. - Overview of the role of contracts in legal systems. 2. **Elements of a Contract:** - Offer and acceptance. - Consideration. - Intention to create legal relations. - Legality of purpose. - Capacity of the parties. 3. **Formation of Contracts:** - Communication of offers and acceptances. - Revocation of offers. - Counteroffers. - Termination of offers. 4. **Interpretation of Contracts:** - Rules for interpreting contract terms. - The role of express and implied terms. - Ambiguities and contra proferentem rule. 5. **Vitiating Factors and Defenses:** - Misrepresentation. - Mistake. - Duress and undue influence. - Illegality. - Unconscionability. 6. **Performance and Discharge of Contracts:** - Conditions and warranties. - Time and performance. - Discharge by agreement, frustration, or breach. 7. **Remedies for Breach of Contract:** - Damages (compensatory, consequential, and nominal). - Specific performance. - Injunctions. - Quantum meruit. 8. **Third-Party Rights:** - Privity of contract. - Exceptions allowing third parties to enforce contract terms. - Assignments and novations. 9. **Contracts for the Sale of Goods:** - Application of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). - Implied warranties. - Performance obligations in the sale of goods. 10. **Unconscionability and Fairness:** - Doctrine of unconscionability. - Unfair contract terms and consumer protection. 11. **Electronic Contracts:** - Formation and enforceability of contracts formed electronically. - E-signatures and online transactions. 12. **Contractual Dispute Resolution:** - Negotiation and mediation. - Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. - Litigation and court proceedings. 13. **Special Types of Contracts:** - Employment contracts. - Construction contracts. - Service contracts. - Land contracts. 14. **Contract Drafting and Interpretation:** - Drafting clear and enforceable contract terms. - Precision in language and clauses. 15. **Legal Ethics in Contracts Law:** - Ethical considerations in contractual negotiations and drafting. - Professional responsibility in contract-related matters. 16. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world contract law cases. - Practical exercises and scenarios for applying contract law principles. 17. **Current Developments and Emerging Issues:** - Discussion of recent legal developments in contract law. - Exploration of emerging issues in contractual relationships. 18. **International and Comparative Contract Law:** - Overview of contract law in international transactions. - Comparative analysis of contract law principles across jurisdictions. 19. **Business Transactions and Contract Law:** - Application of contract law to business transactions. - Consideration of commercial and corporate contexts. 20. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for legal practitioners involved in contract-related work.
LAW219PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW-I ( PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW-I )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Public International Law:** - Definition, nature, and scope of public international law. - Distinction between public and private international law. 2. **Sources of International Law:** - Treaty law: formation, interpretation, and termination of treaties. - Customary international law: identification and formation of customary norms. 3. **International Legal Personality:** - Sovereign states and their rights and obligations in international law. - Legal personality of international organizations and other entities. 4. **Recognition and Statehood:** - Criteria for statehood. - The role of recognition in international relations. 5. **State Responsibility:** - Principles of state responsibility for internationally wrongful acts. - Consequences and remedies for breaches of international law. 6. **Jurisdiction and Immunity:** - Jurisdiction of states in international law. - State immunity from foreign jurisdiction. 7. **Use of Force:** - Principles governing the use of force in international relations. - The prohibition of aggression and self-defense. 8. **Peaceful Settlement of Disputes:** - Mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of international disputes. - The role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and arbitration. 9. **Human Rights Law:** - Foundations of international human rights law. - Protection of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. 10. **International Humanitarian Law:** - Legal principles governing armed conflicts. - Protection of civilians, prisoners of war, and non-combatants. 11. **International Environmental Law:** - Legal frameworks addressing global environmental challenges. - Sustainable development and environmental protection. 12. **Law of the Sea:** - Legal principles governing maritime boundaries. - Navigation rights and exploitation of marine resources. 13. **International Economic Law:** - Legal aspects of international trade. - Investment law and the regulation of economic relations. 14. **International Organizations:** - Legal status and functions of international organizations. - The role of the United Nations (UN) and specialized agencies. 15. **Diplomatic and Consular Law:** - Legal principles governing diplomatic and consular relations. - Immunities and privileges of diplomatic agents. 16. **State Succession:** - Legal principles related to state succession. - Continuity of treaties and state obligations. 17. **International Criminal Law:** - Principles of individual criminal responsibility in international law. - The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC). 18. **Customary Law and Soft Law:** - Formation and identification of customary international law. - Soft law instruments and their role in international relations. 19. **Contemporary Issues in International Law:** - Emerging challenges and issues in international law. - Cybersecurity, climate change, and other contemporary concerns. 20. **Critical Analysis and Case Studies:** - Application of legal principles to analyze real-world case studies. - Critical examination of key international law cases. 21. **Interdisciplinary Perspectives:** - Consideration of political, economic, and cultural factors influencing international law. - Interdisciplinary approaches to global legal issues. 22. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical research and writing skills specific to international law. 23. **Ethical Considerations:** - Exploration of ethical considerations in the practice and application of international law.
LAW221CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-I ( CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-I )Z303.04.031. **Introduction to Constitutional Law:** - Definition, nature, and scope of constitutional law. - Distinction between constitutional law and other branches of law. 2. **Sources of Constitutional Law:** - The constitution as the supreme law of the land. - Legal principles derived from constitutional texts, statutes, and legal precedents. 3. **Constitutional Framework:** - Separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. - System of checks and balances. 4. **Judicial Review:** - The power of courts to review and interpret the constitutionality of laws and government actions. - Landmark cases establishing the principle of judicial review. 5. **Constitutional Interpretation:** - Methods of constitutional interpretation, including originalism, textualism, and living constitutionalism. - The role of precedent in constitutional law. 6. **Protection of Individual Rights:** - Bill of Rights and fundamental constitutional rights. - Freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and the right to privacy. 7. **Equal Protection and Due Process:** - Equal protection under the law. - Procedural and substantive due process rights. 8. **Freedom of the Press:** - First Amendment protections for the freedom of the press. - Legal principles surrounding media rights and restrictions. 9. **Separation of Church and State:** - Establishment and free exercise clauses of the First Amendment. - Legal principles governing the relationship between religion and government. 10. **Search and Seizure:** - Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. - Warrant requirements and exceptions. 11. **Criminal Procedure:** - Constitutional principles in criminal investigations and trials. - The right to counsel, Miranda rights, and the exclusionary rule. 12. **Substantive Due Process:** - Legal principles governing the protection of fundamental rights. - Constitutional limitations on government action. 13. **Economic Liberties:** - Constitutional protection of economic liberties. - The Contract Clause and regulatory takings. 14. **Property Rights:** - Constitutional protections for property rights. - Eminent domain and regulatory takings. 15. **Equal Protection and Discrimination:** - Equal protection principles in the context of race, gender, and other classifications. - Affirmative action and equal protection challenges. 16. **Privacy Rights:** - Constitutional right to privacy. - Privacy issues related to reproductive rights, contraception, and marriage. 17. **Constitutional Amendments:** - Study of specific constitutional amendments, such as the First Amendment, Second Amendment, and others. - Historical context and interpretation. 18. **Federalism:** - Principles of federalism and the distribution of powers between the federal government and states. - The supremacy clause. 19. **Commerce Clause:** - Constitutional principles related to the commerce clause and its impact on federal regulatory powers. 20. **State Action:** - The concept of state action in constitutional law. - Application of constitutional rights to private actors. 21. **Constitutional Challenges and Crisis Management:** - Constitutional responses to emergencies, national security issues, and crises. - Balancing civil liberties with public safety. 22. **Constitutional Law and Social Justice:** - Examining constitutional issues related to social justice, including race, gender, and LGBTQ+ rights. - Landmark cases shaping social justice jurisprudence. 23. **Contemporary Issues in Constitutional Law:** - Exploring current constitutional issues, such as technology and privacy, voting rights, and evolving social norms. 24. **Interdisciplinary Perspectives:** - Considering political, economic, and social factors influencing constitutional issues. - Interdisciplinary approaches to constitutional law. 25. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world constitutional law cases and practical scenarios. - Application of legal principles to concrete situations. 26. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to constitutional law. 27. **Ethical Considerations in Constitutional Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing constitutional law.
LAW223BUSINESS LAW ( BUSINESS LAW )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Business Law:** - Definition, nature, and scope of business law. - Overview of legal principles governing business transactions. 2. **Sources of Business Law:** - Identification of legal sources, including statutes, regulations, case law, and common law principles. 3. **Contract Law:** - Formation, interpretation, and enforcement of contracts. - Contractual remedies and breach of contract. 4. **Sales and Commercial Paper:** - Legal principles governing the sale of goods. - Introduction to negotiable instruments and commercial paper. 5. **Agency and Employment Law:** - Principles of agency law and the relationship between principals and agents. - Employment contracts, rights, and obligations. 6. **Business Organizations:** - Legal structures of business entities (sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, LLCs). - Formation, management, and dissolution of business entities. 7. **Corporate Law:** - Corporate governance and the rights and duties of directors and officers. - Shareholder rights and corporate liability. 8. **Securities Law:** - Regulation of securities markets and transactions. - Securities offerings and compliance. 9. **Banking and Finance Law:** - Legal aspects of banking transactions. - Regulation of financial institutions. 10. **Consumer Protection:** - Laws protecting consumers in business transactions. - Unfair and deceptive trade practices. 11. **Antitrust and Competition Law:** - Legal principles governing competition and antitrust violations. - Monopolies and anticompetitive practices. 12. **Intellectual Property Law:** - Overview of intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets). - Protection of intellectual property in business. 13. **International Business Law:** - Legal aspects of international business transactions. - Cross-border contracts, dispute resolution, and international trade law. 14. **Torts in Business:** - Business-related torts, including negligence and fraud. - Liability for business-related injuries. 15. **Real Estate Law:** - Legal aspects of real estate transactions. - Contracts, deeds, mortgages, and landlord-tenant relationships. 16. **Bankruptcy and Insolvency:** - Legal principles governing bankruptcy and insolvency. - Rights and obligations of creditors and debtors. 17. **Ethics in Business Law:** - Discussion of ethical considerations in business transactions and legal practice. - Corporate social responsibility. 18. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to business law. 19. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world business law cases and practical scenarios. - Application of legal principles to concrete business situations. 20. **Risk Management:** - Legal considerations in risk management for businesses. - Liability prevention and mitigation strategies. 21. **Employment and Labor Law:** - Legal principles governing the employer-employee relationship. - Employment contracts, discrimination, and workplace regulations. 22. **Environmental Law and Business:** - Legal aspects of environmental regulations affecting businesses. - Compliance with environmental laws. 23. **Emerging Issues in Business Law:** - Exploration of current and emerging legal issues in the business environment. - Technology, privacy, and other contemporary concerns.
LAW225CRIMINOLOGY ( CRIMINOLOGY )S303.03.031. **Introduction to Criminology:** - Definition of criminology, its scope, and its role in the study of crime and criminal behavior. 2. **Historical Development of Criminology:** - Overview of the historical development of criminology as a field of study, including key theorists and milestones. 3. **Criminological Theories:** - Exploration of major criminological theories, including: - Classical theories (e.g., Cesare Beccaria, Jeremy Bentham). - Biological theories. - Psychological theories. - Sociological theories (e.g., strain theory, social learning theory). - Critical theories. 4. **Criminal Justice System:** - Overview of the components of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement, courts, and corrections. 5. **Legal Foundations:** - Examination of legal principles and foundations related to criminal law, constitutional rights, and due process. 6. **Crime Types and Patterns:** - Analysis of different types of crime (e.g., property crime, violent crime) and patterns of criminal behavior. 7. **Victimology:** - Study of victimology, including the role of victims in the criminal justice system and the impact of crime on individuals and communities. 8. **Policing and Law Enforcement:** - Examination of law enforcement agencies, their functions, and challenges in maintaining public safety. 9. **Criminal Profiling and Forensic Science:** - Introduction to criminal profiling and forensic science, including their roles in criminal investigations. 10. **Criminal Justice Policies:** - Analysis of criminal justice policies, including sentencing, incarceration, and rehabilitation programs. 11. **Juvenile Delinquency:** - Study of juvenile delinquency, including causes, prevention, and interventions. 12. **Corrections and Rehabilitation:** - Overview of correctional systems, including prisons, probation, and parole, and discussions on rehabilitation programs. 13. **Research Methods in Criminology:** - Introduction to research methods used in criminology, including quantitative and qualitative approaches. 14. **Comparative Criminology:** - Comparative analysis of crime rates, criminal justice systems, and policies across different jurisdictions. 15. **Critical Issues in Criminology:** - Exploration of critical issues, such as racial and gender disparities in the criminal justice system, social justice, and human rights. 16. **Ethics in Criminology:** - Discussion of ethical considerations in criminological research and practice. 17. **Crime Prevention Strategies:** - Examination of crime prevention strategies, including community-based approaches and situational crime prevention. 18. **Current Trends and Emerging Issues:** - Exploration of current trends and emerging issues in criminology, such as cybercrime, terrorism, and transnational crime. 19. **Intersectionality in Criminology:** - Exploration of how intersecting social identities (e.g., race, gender, class) impact crime and the criminal justice system. 20. **Application of Criminological Knowledge:** - Application of criminological theories and concepts to real-world scenarios, case studies, and practical problem-solving.
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LAW216CRIMINAL LAW-II ( CRIMINAL LAW-II )Z303.06.03Please look at the descriptions for the "CRIMINAL LAW-I" course.
LAW218CONTRACTS LAW-II ( CONTRACTS LAW-II )Z303.06.03Please look at the descriptions for the "CONTRACTS LAW--I" course.
LAW220PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW-II ( PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW-II )Z303.05.03Please look at the descriptions for the "PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW--I" course.
LAW222CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-II ( CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-II )Z303.04.03Please look at the descriptions for the "CONSTITUTIONAL LAW-I" course.
LAW226FAMILY LAW ( FAMILY LAW )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Family Law:** - Definition, nature, and scope of family law. - Overview of legal principles governing family relationships. 2. **Marriage and Civil Unions:** - Legal requirements for marriage. - Recognition and legal implications of civil unions. 3. **Legal Recognition of Relationships:** - Common-law marriages and legal recognition of non-traditional relationships. - Same-sex marriages and legal developments. 4. **Divorce and Dissolution:** - Grounds for divorce and legal processes. - Legal considerations in dissolution of marriage. 5. **Property Division:** - Principles and methods for dividing marital property. - Legal aspects of property settlement agreements. 6. **Alimony and Spousal Support:** - Legal principles governing spousal support and alimony. - Factors considered in determining support amounts. 7. **Child Custody:** - Legal standards for determining child custody. - Factors considered in the best interests of the child. 8. **Child Visitation and Parenting Plans:** - Development of visitation schedules and parenting plans. - Legal considerations in shared custody arrangements. 9. **Child Support:** - Legal principles governing child support. - Calculation of child support amounts. 10. **Domestic Violence:** - Legal mechanisms for addressing domestic violence. - Protective orders and legal remedies for victims. 11. **Adoption:** - Legal aspects of domestic and international adoption. - Rights and responsibilities of adoptive parents. 12. **Surrogacy and Reproductive Technologies:** - Legal considerations in surrogacy arrangements. - Reproductive rights and assisted reproductive technologies. 13. **Grandparents' Rights:** - Legal considerations regarding visitation and custody rights for grandparents. 14. **International Family Law Issues:** - Legal issues that arise in international family matters. - Recognition of foreign divorces and custody orders. 15. **LGBTQ+ Issues in Family Law:** - Legal considerations for LGBTQ+ families, including marriage and parenting. - LGBTQ+ rights in family law. 16. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to family law cases. 17. **Ethical Considerations in Family Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing family law. 18. **Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution:** - Role of mediation and alternative dispute resolution in family law. - Techniques for resolving family disputes outside of court. 19. **Cultural Competence and Sensitivity:** - Promotion of cultural competence and sensitivity in addressing diverse family structures and dynamics. 20. **Impact of Family Law on Children:** - Consideration of the legal impact of family law decisions on the rights and well-being of children. 21. **Interdisciplinary Perspectives:** - Encouragement of an interdisciplinary approach, allowing students to consider psychological, sociological, and economic factors influencing family law matters. 22. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical skills for legal practice in family law, including client representation and courtroom advocacy.
LAW224CONSUMER LAW ( CONSUMER LAW )S303.03.03Consumer's rights and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the Consumer No. 4077 and the relevant regulation1. **Introduction to Consumer Law:** - Definition of consumer law, its historical development, and its role in protecting the rights and interests of consumers. 2. **Consumer Rights:** - Overview of fundamental consumer rights, including the right to safety, information, choice, and redress. 3. **Contracts and Consumer Transactions:** - Analysis of contractual relationships between consumers and businesses, including the formation of contracts, terms and conditions, and the enforceability of consumer contracts. 4. **Unfair and Deceptive Practices:** - Identification and prohibition of unfair, deceptive, and fraudulent business practices, such as false advertising, bait-and-switch tactics, and other forms of consumer deception. 5. **Consumer Privacy:** - Examination of laws and regulations protecting consumer privacy, including data protection and restrictions on the collection and use of personal information by businesses. 6. **Product Liability and Safety:** - Study of laws governing product liability and safety standards to ensure that products meet minimum safety requirements, and consumers have recourse for defective or unsafe products. 7. **Consumer Credit Protection:** - Overview of laws regulating consumer credit, including fair lending practices, credit reporting, and protection against predatory lending. 8. **Consumer Financial Protection:** - Examination of laws and regulations related to financial products and services, including banking, credit cards, mortgages, and investment services. 9. **Consumer Warranties and Guarantees:** - Analysis of laws governing warranties and guarantees for consumer products, including requirements for sellers to provide accurate information about product warranties. 10. **Consumer Remedies:** - Exploration of remedies available to consumers in case of defective products, substandard services, or violations of their rights, including legal actions, compensation, and dispute resolution mechanisms. 11. **Electronic Commerce and Online Transactions:** - Consideration of laws applicable to e-commerce, online transactions, and digital contracts to address the challenges and opportunities of the digital marketplace. 12. **Consumer Dispute Resolution:** - Study of mechanisms for resolving consumer disputes, including alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, small claims courts, and consumer protection agencies. 13. **Vulnerable Consumer Protection:** - Examination of additional protections for vulnerable consumers, such as children, the elderly, and individuals with limited financial literacy. 14. **International Aspects of Consumer Law:** - Consideration of consumer protection in cross-border transactions, international coordination efforts, and the challenges posed by global markets. 15. **Consumer Advocacy and Education:** - Exploration of the role of consumer advocacy groups and education in empowering consumers, raising awareness, and promoting consumer rights. 16. **Emerging Issues in Consumer Law:** - Discussion of contemporary issues and challenges in consumer law, including the impact of technological advancements, new business models, and evolving consumer expectations. 17. **Enforcement Mechanisms:** - Analysis of enforcement mechanisms, regulatory agencies, and legal remedies available to consumers to ensure compliance with consumer protection laws.
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LAW301PROPERTY LAW-I ( PROPERTY LAW-I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Property Law:** - Definition, nature, and scope of property law. - Overview of legal concepts related to ownership, possession, and use of property. 2. **Personal Property:** - Legal principles governing personal property, including tangible and intangible assets. - Transfer and acquisition of personal property. 3. **Real Property:** - Legal concepts related to real property (land and improvements). - Types of ownership interests in real property. 4. **Estates and Future Interests:** - Different types of estates in land (e.g., fee simple, life estate). - Future interests and their implications. 5. **Land Use Regulations:** - Zoning laws and regulations. - Environmental restrictions and land use planning. 6. **Conveyancing and Real Estate Transactions:** - Legal processes involved in transferring real property. - Contracts, deeds, and closing procedures in real estate transactions. 7. **Landlord-Tenant Law:** - Legal rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. - Lease agreements, eviction procedures, and tenant protections. 8. **Easements and Servitudes:** - Legal concepts of easements and servitudes. - Creation, termination, and enforcement of these property rights. 9. **Covenants and Restrictions:** - Property covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R) in planned communities. - Impact on property use and development. 10. **Adverse Possession and Prescriptive Easements:** - Legal principles governing adverse possession. - Acquisition of property rights through prescriptive easements. 11. **Intellectual Property:** - Basic concepts of intellectual property law. - Patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. 12. **Equitable Interests and Remedies:** - Equitable interests in property. - Remedies available for breach or violation of property rights. 13. **Community Property and Marital Rights:** - Legal concepts related to community property in marital relationships. - Spousal rights in property acquired during marriage. 14. **Historical Development of Property Law:** - Overview of the historical development of property law. - Key legal doctrines and landmark cases. 15. **Property Rights and Constitutional Law:** - Examination of property rights within the context of constitutional law. - Takings Clause and due process considerations. 16. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to property law cases and issues. 17. **Ethical Considerations in Property Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing property law. 18. **Commercial Real Estate Transactions:** - Legal aspects of commercial real estate transactions. - Leases, financing, and development agreements. 19. **Interdisciplinary Perspectives:** - Encouragement of an interdisciplinary approach, allowing students to consider economic, social, and environmental factors influencing property law. 20. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical skills for legal practice in property law. - Representation of clients in property-related transactions and disputes.
LAW303EQUITY AND TRUSTS LAW-I ( EQUITY AND TRUSTS LAW-I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Equity:** - Historical development and nature of equity. - Distinctions between equity and common law. 2. **Equitable Maxims and Principles:** - Examination of key equitable maxims and principles that guide the application of equity in legal contexts. 3. **Equitable Remedies:** - Injunctions, specific performance, and other equitable remedies. - Remedies available for breach of fiduciary duty. 4. **Trust Law Fundamentals:** - Definition and characteristics of a trust. - Creation, administration, and termination of trusts. 5. **Express Trusts:** - Creation and elements of express trusts. - Roles and duties of trustees. 6. **Resulting and Constructive Trusts:** - Understanding resulting trusts arising from contributions and constructive trusts arising from unjust enrichment. 7. **Charitable Trusts:** - Legal principles governing charitable trusts. - Requirements for charitable purposes. 8. **Equitable Interests and Property Rights:** - Recognition of equitable interests in property. - Priority of equitable rights. 9. **Fiduciary Relationships:** - Definition and characteristics of fiduciary relationships. - Duties and responsibilities of fiduciaries. 10. **Breach of Trust and Remedies:** - Consequences of a breach of trust. - Remedies available to beneficiaries. 11. **Equity and Estoppel:** - Principles of estoppel in equity. - Equitable estoppel and its applications. 12. **Equity in Family Law:** - Application of equity in family law, including the division of property in matrimonial disputes. 13. **Equity and Commercial Transactions:** - Application of equitable principles in commercial transactions. - Enforcement of restrictive covenants and equitable estoppel in business dealings. 14. **Equity in Property Transactions:** - Application of equity in property transactions. - The doctrine of notice and equitable interests. 15. **Equity and Unjust Enrichment:** - Relationship between equity and the law of unjust enrichment. - Restitutionary remedies. 16. **Equity and Legal Remedies Comparison:** - Comparison and contrast of equitable remedies with legal remedies. - Situations where equitable remedies may be preferred. 17. **Equity in Modern Legal Systems:** - Contemporary relevance and application of equity in modern legal systems. 18. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to equity and trust law. - Analysis of case law and legal literature. 19. **Ethical Considerations in Equity and Trust Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in the areas of equity and trust law. 20. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical skills for legal practice in equity and trust law. - Representation of clients in trust matters and related disputes.
LAW305COMMERCIAL LAW-I ( COMMERCIAL LAW-I )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Commercial Law:** - Overview of the legal framework governing commercial transactions and business activities. 2. **Principles of Contract Law:** - Formation, interpretation, and enforcement of contracts. - Contractual terms, conditions, and remedies for breach of contract. 3. **Sales of Goods and Consumer Protection:** - Legal aspects of sales transactions. - Consumer protection laws and regulations. 4. **Agency and Business Organizations:** - Legal relationships between principals and agents. - Formation and governance of business entities, including partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies. 5. **Negotiable Instruments and Payment Systems:** - Legal principles governing negotiable instruments (e.g., checks, promissory notes). - Payment systems and electronic funds transfers. 6. **Secured Transactions:** - Creation and enforcement of security interests in personal property. - Rights and obligations of secured parties and debtors. 7. **Banking and Financial Transactions:** - Legal aspects of banking operations. - Financial transactions, loans, mortgages, and other financial instruments. 8. **Commercial Paper and Business Contracts:** - Legal issues related to commercial paper, including checks and promissory notes. - Drafting and interpretation of business contracts. 9. **Antitrust and Competition Law:** - Laws and regulations promoting fair competition. - Prohibitions against anticompetitive practices. 10. **Intellectual Property in Commercial Transactions:** - Protection of intellectual property in commercial contexts. - Trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. 11. **International Commercial Law:** - Legal aspects of cross-border transactions and international business. - Treaties, conventions, and regulations governing international commercial relationships. 12. **Consumer and Data Protection:** - Laws protecting consumers in commercial transactions. - Data protection and privacy laws relevant to commercial activities. 13. **E-commerce and Technology Law:** - Legal issues related to e-commerce and online transactions. - Digital contracts, electronic signatures, and cyber law. 14. **Ethical Considerations in Commercial Law:** - Ethical responsibilities for legal professionals in the field of commercial law. 15. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to commercial law issues. 16. **Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Settings:** - Overview of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, such as arbitration and mediation. - Application of ADR in commercial disputes. 17. **Corporate Governance and Compliance:** - Principles of corporate governance. - Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. 18. **Legal Risk Management:** - Strategies for identifying and managing legal risks in commercial transactions and business operations. 19. **Environmental and Sustainability Considerations:** - Legal considerations related to environmental regulations and sustainability in commercial activities. 20. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical skills for legal practice in commercial law, including negotiation, contract drafting, and client representation.
LAW307TORT-I ( TORT-I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Tort Law:** - Definition and nature of torts. - Distinction between torts and other areas of law. 2. **Historical Development of Tort Law:** - Evolution of tort law through common law traditions. - Historical milestones and key legal developments. 3. **Purpose and Functions of Tort Law:** - Objectives and functions served by tort law. - Compensation, deterrence, and the protection of individual rights. 4. **Classification of Torts:** - Categorization into intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability. - Overview of each category and its key principles. 5. **Elements of a Tort:** - Explanation of the essential elements required for a valid tort claim. - Duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. 6. **Intentional Torts:** - Assault, battery, false imprisonment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, trespass, and conversion. - Elements and defenses for each intentional tort. 7. **Negligence:** - Duty of care, standard of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. - Comparative negligence and defenses. 8. **Strict Liability:** - Concept of strict liability. - Ultra-hazardous activities and product liability. 9. **Defenses in Tort Cases:** - Common defenses in tort cases. - Consent, self-defense, contributory negligence, assumption of risk, and statutory defenses. 10. **Damages in Tort Cases:** - Types of damages available in tort cases. - Compensatory, punitive, and nominal damages. 11. **Proximate Cause and Foreseeability:** - Concepts of proximate cause and foreseeability in determining legal causation. 12. **Duty of Care:** - Exploration of the duty of care in various situations. - Different standards of care for different relationships and activities. 13. **Special Topics in Negligence:** - Professional malpractice (medical malpractice, legal malpractice). - Premises liability. 14. **Product Liability:** - Legal principles governing liability for defective products. - Strict liability and negligence in product liability cases. 15. **Defamation and Privacy Torts:** - Libel, slander, invasion of privacy, and false light. - Elements and defenses in defamation and privacy cases. 16. **Nuisance and Trespass:** - Private and public nuisance. - Trespass to land and trespass to chattels. 17. **Economic Torts:** - Fraud, misrepresentation, interference with contractual relations, and business disparagement. 18. **Vicarious Liability:** - Liability of employers for the actions of their employees. - Respondeat superior and agency principles. 19. **Governmental and Sovereign Immunity:** - Principles of governmental and sovereign immunity. - Circumstances where immunity may apply. 20. **Social and Policy Considerations:** - Discussion of the social and policy considerations that underlie tort law. - Balancing individual rights, deterrence, and societal interests. 21. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to tort law. - Case analysis, statutory interpretation, and preparation of legal documents. 22. **Ethical Considerations in Tort Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in the field of tort law. - Professional responsibilities and client representation. 23. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world cases and practical applications of tort law principles. - Understanding the application of theoretical concepts in actual legal scenarios.
LAW309INTRODUCTION TO EUROEAN UNION LAW I ( INTRODUCTION TO EUROEAN UNION LAW I )Z303.04.031. **Historical Development of the European Union:** - Formation of the EU and its historical context. - Evolution from the European Coal and Steel Community to the present. 2. **EU Institutions:** - Overview of key institutions, including the European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, Council of the European Union, and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). 3. **EU Legal System:** - Sources of EU law, including treaties, regulations, directives, and case law. - The relationship between EU law and national law. 4. **Principles of EU Law:** - Supremacy of EU law. - Direct effect and primacy of EU law over conflicting national laws. 5. **Internal Market and Free Movement:** - Principles and legal frameworks for the free movement of goods, services, persons, and capital within the internal market. 6. **Competition Law:** - Antitrust regulations and competition policy within the EU. - Merger control and state aid rules. 7. **EU Decision-Making Process:** - Legislative, executive, and judicial decision-making processes. - Role of the European Parliament, the Council, and the European Commission. 8. **Judicial Protection and Enforcement:** - The role and functions of the CJEU. - Procedures for individuals and member states to seek redress and challenge EU actions. 9. **EU Citizenship and Fundamental Rights:** - Rights and obligations associated with EU citizenship. - Protection of fundamental rights within the EU legal framework. 10. **EU External Relations:** - EU's role in international relations and global governance. - Trade agreements, cooperation with international organizations, and diplomatic activities. 11. **Legal Aspects of the Eurozone and Economic and Monetary Union (EMU):** - Legal framework and institutions related to the Eurozone. - EMU principles, economic governance, and the role of the European Central Bank. 12. **Enlargement and Accession Process:** - EU enlargement policy and the process for candidate countries to join the EU. 13. **EU Policies and Areas of Cooperation:** - Overview of major policy areas, including environmental protection, social policy, and common foreign and security policy. 14. **Current Challenges and Developments:** - Examination of contemporary challenges facing the EU. - Recent developments in EU law, including responses to crises and institutional reforms. 15. **Legal Research and Writing Skills in EU Law:** - Practical skills in researching EU legal documents, understanding case law, and writing legal analyses related to EU law. 16. **Critical Thinking about EU Legal Issues:** - Encouragement of critical thinking about the legal and policy implications of EU law. 17. **Ethical Considerations in EU Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in the field of EU law. 18. **Preparation for Legal Practice in the EU:** - Insights into potential careers involving EU law, including legal representation, advisory roles, and participation in EU policy-making.
LAW311CYPRUS LAW PACKAGE-I ( CYPRUS LAW PACKAGE-I )S303.03.03The unique structure and rules of Cypriot law, which is a combination of Anglo-Saxon and Turkish law, are examined.
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LAW302PROPERTY LAW II ( PROPERTY LAW II )Z303.06.03Please look at the descriptions for the "PROPERTY LAW-I" course.
LAW304EQUITY AND TRUSTS LAW-II ( EQUITY AND TRUSTS LAW-II )Z303.06.03Please look at the descriptions for the "EQUITY AND TRUSTS LAW-I" course.
LAW306COMMERCIAL LAW-II ( COMMERCIAL LAW-II )Z303.07.03Please look at the descriptions for the "COMMERCIAL LAW-I" course.
LAW308TORT LAW-II ( TORT LAW-II )Z303.04.03Please look at the descriptions for the "TORT LAW-I" course.
LAW314AVIATION LAW ( AVIATION LAW )S303.03.031. **Introduction to Aviation Law:** - Overview of the legal framework governing the aviation industry globally and domestically. 2. **International Aviation Regulations:** - Exploration of international agreements and conventions, including those established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). 3. **National Aviation Legislation:** - Study of domestic laws and regulations specific to the country where the course is offered, covering areas such as licensing, safety standards, and regulatory authorities. 4. **Air Traffic Rights:** - Understanding the allocation of air traffic rights, bilateral and multilateral agreements, and the concept of open skies. 5. **Aircraft Ownership and Registration:** - Legal aspects of aircraft ownership, registration procedures, and the rights and responsibilities of aircraft owners and operators. 6. **Liability and Insurance in Aviation:** - Analysis of legal aspects related to liability in aviation incidents, including passenger and third-party liability, and the role of insurance in the aviation industry. 7. **Environmental Regulations in Aviation:** - Examination of regulations addressing environmental concerns in aviation, such as noise pollution, emissions, and sustainable practices. 8. **Aviation Safety and Security:** - Legal frameworks for ensuring aviation safety and security, including measures to prevent terrorism and unlawful acts against civil aviation. 9. **Labor and Employment in Aviation:** - Legal issues related to labor and employment in the aviation sector, including employment contracts, labor disputes, and occupational safety. 10. **Contractual Aspects in Aviation:** - Legal considerations in aviation contracts, including agreements between airlines, manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers. 11. **Consumer Protection in Aviation:** - Legal provisions related to passenger rights, consumer protection, and dispute resolution in the context of air travel. 12. **Emerging Technologies:** - Legal implications of emerging technologies in aviation, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), electric aircraft, and supersonic travel. 13. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Application of legal principles to real-world scenarios through case studies, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 14. **Ethical Considerations in Aviation Law:** - Discussion of ethical issues that may arise in the practice of aviation law, emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct in the aviation legal profession. 15. **International Air Carrier Liability:** - Examination of legal principles governing the liability of international air carriers for passenger and cargo transportation. 16. **Airport Law:** - Legal aspects related to the establishment, operation, and regulation of airports. 17. **Space Law and Aviation:** - An overview of legal issues related to space activities and their intersection with aviation law. 18. **Aviation Accident Investigation:** - Legal procedures and considerations in the investigation of aviation accidents. 19. **Regulatory Compliance and Enforcement:** - Understanding how aviation regulations are enforced and the consequences of non-compliance. 20. **Aviation Law and National Security:** - Legal aspects related to the intersection of aviation law and national security concerns.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
LAW403EMPLOYMENT LAW AND SOCIAL SECURITY ( EMPLOYMENT LAW AND SOCIAL SECURITY )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Employment Law:** - Overview of the principles and concepts of employment law. - Historical development and evolution of employment law. 2. **Formation and Types of Employment Contracts:** - Elements and formation of employment contracts. - Different types of employment contracts, including permanent, fixed-term, and temporary contracts. 3. **Terms and Conditions of Employment:** - Examination of terms and conditions typically included in employment contracts. - Analysis of contractual obligations, working hours, and holidays. 4. **Employee Rights and Protections:** - Overview of fundamental rights and protections afforded to employees. - Anti-discrimination laws, workplace safety regulations, and privacy rights. 5. **Termination of Employment:** - Legal procedures for terminating employment contracts. - Grounds for dismissal, notice periods, and severance pay. 6. **Collective Labor Law:** - Rights and obligations of employees and employers in collective labor relations. - Role of trade unions, collective bargaining, and industrial action. 7. **Social Security Systems:** - Understanding the structure and components of social security systems. - Contributions, benefits, and administration of social security programs. 8. **Pensions and Retirement Planning:** - Legal aspects of employee pension schemes and retirement plans. - Regulatory frameworks governing retirement benefits. 9. **Health and Safety Regulations:** - Laws and regulations related to workplace health and safety. - Employer responsibilities and employee rights to ensure a safe working environment. 10. **Workers' Compensation:** - Legal provisions for workers' compensation. - Benefits for work-related injuries and illnesses. 11. **Employment Dispute Resolution:** - Methods of resolving employment disputes. - Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and the role of labor tribunals. 12. **Global and Comparative Perspectives:** - International and comparative perspectives on employment law and social security. - Variations in legal systems and practices across different jurisdictions. 13. **Emerging Issues in Employment Law:** - Examination of contemporary and emerging issues in employment law. - Responses to societal, technological, and economic changes. 14. **Legal Research and Writing Skills in Employment Law:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to employment law. - Case analysis, statutory interpretation, and document preparation. 15. **Ethical Considerations in Employment Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in the field of employment law. 16. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for legal practice in employment law. - Advising employers and employees, negotiating employment agreements, and representing clients in employment-related disputes. 17. **Integration of Interdisciplinary Knowledge:** - Integration of knowledge from related disciplines, such as business, human resources, and ethics. - Holistic understanding of employment law and social security.
LAW405LAW OF THE SEA ( LAW OF THE SEA )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to the Law of the Sea:** - Overview of the importance and historical development of the Law of the Sea. - Introduction to key legal concepts and principles. 2. **United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS):** - In-depth study of UNCLOS as the primary international legal framework governing maritime activities. - Analysis of its structure, principles, and provisions. 3. **Territorial Seas and Contiguous Zones:** - Examination of the concept of territorial seas and contiguous zones, including the rights and responsibilities of coastal states. 4. **Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs):** - Study of the legal regime governing exclusive economic zones and the rights of coastal states in these zones. 5. **High Seas and Freedom of the Seas:** - Analysis of the legal principles related to the high seas, freedom of navigation, and the rights of all states to use the oceans for various purposes. 6. **Sovereignty and Jurisdiction:** - Understanding the principles of sovereignty and jurisdiction over maritime areas, including the rights of coastal states and the freedoms of navigation and overflight. 7. **Archipelagic States:** - Exploration of the legal status and rights of archipelagic states, including the delimitation of archipelagic baselines. 8. **Maritime Boundaries and Delimitation:** - Principles and methods for establishing maritime boundaries between neighboring states, including issues related to equitable delimitation. 9. **Navigation Rights:** - Legal framework governing navigation rights, including innocent passage through territorial seas and transit passage through international straits. 10. **Exploitation of Marine Resources:** - Legal regimes governing the exploitation of marine resources, including fisheries management, mineral resources, and other economic activities. 11. **Marine Environmental Protection:** - Study of international agreements and legal mechanisms for the protection and preservation of the marine environment, addressing pollution and conservation issues. 12. **International Maritime Organizations:** - Overview of key international organizations involved in the implementation and enforcement of the Law of the Sea, such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO). 13. **Arbitration and Dispute Resolution:** - Understanding the mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of disputes related to the Law of the Sea, including arbitration and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). 14. **National Legislation and Compliance:** - The role of national legislation in implementing international obligations under the Law of the Sea and ensuring compliance with UNCLOS. 15. **Security and Safety at Sea:** - Legal considerations related to security and safety at sea, including piracy, terrorism, and maritime law enforcement. 16. **Case Studies of Maritime Disputes:** - Analysis of real-world maritime disputes and conflicts, providing practical insights into the legal and diplomatic challenges involved. 17. **Emerging Issues in Maritime Law:** - Discussion of contemporary challenges and emerging issues in the field, such as the impact of climate change on the oceans and the regulation of new maritime activities. 18. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to the Law of the Sea, including the analysis of case law, treaties, and international agreements. 19. **Ethical Considerations in Maritime Law:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals in the field of maritime law, emphasizing integrity and responsible legal practice. 20. **Preparation for Careers in Maritime Law:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for potential careers in maritime law, including legal practice, international organizations, government agencies, and academia.
LAW407COMPANY LAW I ( COMPANY LAW I )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Company Law:** - Overview of the historical development and significance of company law. - Introduction to key legal concepts and principles. 2. **Legal Forms of Business Organizations:** - Comparison of different legal forms of business organizations, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and various types of companies. 3. **Incorporation and Corporate Personality:** - The process of incorporating a company and the legal implications of corporate personality. - Distinction between the legal identity of a company and its members. 4. **Types of Companies:** - Examination of different types of companies, such as private limited companies, public limited companies, and not-for-profit organizations. 5. **Corporate Governance:** - Principles of corporate governance, including the roles and responsibilities of directors, officers, and shareholders. - Board structures, committees, and mechanisms for ensuring accountability. 6. **Shareholders and Share Capital:** - Rights and protections of shareholders. - Issuing and transferring shares, dividends, and buyback of shares. 7. **Corporate Contracts and Transactions:** - Drafting and interpreting corporate contracts. - Mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and other significant business transactions. 8. **Corporate Financing:** - Capital structure and financing options. - Issuance of shares, bonds, and other securities. 9. **Company Secretary and Corporate Administration:** - Role and responsibilities of the company secretary. - Corporate administration, including record-keeping and filing requirements. 10. **Legal Compliance and Regulation:** - Regulatory framework governing companies. - Compliance with legal requirements and reporting obligations. 11. **Corporate Restructuring and Insolvency:** - Legal procedures for corporate restructuring. - Insolvency and mechanisms for protecting creditors' rights. 12. **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):** - Legal aspects of corporate social responsibility. - Companies' obligations and initiatives related to social and environmental concerns. 13. **Intellectual Property and Corporate Law:** - Interaction between intellectual property laws and company law. - Protection of trademarks, patents, and copyrights within the corporate context. 14. **Corporate Dispute Resolution:** - Mechanisms for resolving corporate disputes. - Litigation, arbitration, and alternative dispute resolution in the corporate setting. 15. **Corporate Ethics and Compliance Programs:** - Importance of corporate ethics. - Development and implementation of effective compliance programs. 16. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Practical legal research and writing skills specific to company law. - Analysis of case law, statutes, and regulatory provisions. 17. **Ethical Considerations in Corporate Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals in the corporate sector. - Maintaining integrity and ethical conduct. 18. **Preparation for Legal Practice in Corporate Law:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for legal practice in corporate law. - Advising clients, drafting legal documents, and representing companies in legal matters.
LAW409INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW ( INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to International Criminal Law:** - Definition, scope, and historical development of international criminal law. - Distinction between international and domestic criminal law. 2. **Sources of International Criminal Law:** - Examination of the sources, principles, and norms that form the basis of international criminal law. - Overview of treaties, customary international law, and general principles. 3. **International Crimes:** - In-depth study of specific international crimes, including genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression. - Analysis of elements and definitions of each crime. 4. **International Criminal Tribunals and Courts:** - Overview of international criminal tribunals and courts, such as the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). - Jurisdiction, structure, and functions of these institutions. 5. **Individual Criminal Responsibility:** - Understanding the concept of individual criminal responsibility for international crimes. - Analysis of principles of liability, including direct perpetration, aiding and abetting, and joint criminal enterprise. 6. **Modes of Liability:** - Examination of various modes of liability, including co-perpetration, joint criminal enterprise, command responsibility, and superior responsibility. 7. **Defenses and Immunities:** - Exploration of defenses available in international criminal law, such as mistake of fact and superior orders. - Discussion of immunities for certain individuals, including heads of state. 8. **Victims' Rights and Participation:** - Consideration of the rights of victims in international criminal proceedings. - Analysis of the mechanisms for victim participation in trials. 9. **Complementarity and Admissibility:** - Understanding the principles of complementarity and admissibility in the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. - Analysis of when national courts have primary jurisdiction. 10. **International Humanitarian Law (IHL):** - Examination of the relationship between international humanitarian law (laws of armed conflict) and international criminal law. - Application of IHL principles to international criminal prosecutions. 11. **Transitional Justice and Reconciliation:** - Exploration of the role of international criminal law in transitional justice processes. - Discussion of reconciliation efforts in post-conflict societies. 12. **International Cooperation in Criminal Investigations:** - Study of the mechanisms for international cooperation in criminal investigations and prosecutions. - Consideration of extradition and mutual legal assistance. 13. **Criminal Procedure in International Tribunals:** - Familiarization with the criminal procedure followed in international criminal tribunals. - Investigation, pre-trial proceedings, trial, and appeals. 14. **Critical Analysis of Case Law:** - In-depth analysis of key decisions and judgments from international criminal tribunals and courts. - Examination of legal reasoning and precedents. 15. **Emerging Issues in International Criminal Law:** - Exploration of contemporary developments and emerging issues in the field of international criminal law. - Discussion of challenges and future directions. 16. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to international criminal law. - Analysis of case law, treaties, and scholarly literature. 17. **Ethical Considerations in International Criminal Law Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in the field of international criminal law. - Professional conduct and ethical challenges. 18. **Preparation for International Criminal Law Practice:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for potential careers involving international criminal law. - Role-playing exercises, simulations, or internships.
LAW411LAW OF EVIDENCE AND CIVIL PROCEDURE ( LAW OF EVIDENCE AND CIVIL PROCEDURE )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Legal Systems and Civil Procedure:** - Overview of legal systems and the role of civil procedure within the legal framework. - Introduction to the civil justice system. 2. **Jurisdiction and Venue:** - Concepts of jurisdiction and venue. - Understanding the authority of the court and appropriate locations for legal proceedings. 3. **Pleading and Case Initiation:** - Preparation and filing of pleadings. - Initiating a civil case and framing legal issues. 4. **Pretrial Procedures:** - Discovery processes, including interrogatories, depositions, and document requests. - Exchange of relevant information between parties before trial. 5. **Admissibility of Evidence:** - Rules and criteria for the admissibility of evidence in civil cases. - Relevance, hearsay, authentication, and other admissibility considerations. 6. **Types of Evidence:** - Exploration of documentary evidence, testimonial evidence, physical evidence, and other types of evidence. - Understanding the probative value of different forms of evidence. 7. **Witness Examination and Cross-Examination:** - Techniques for examining and cross-examining witnesses. - Rules and strategies for effective witness questioning. 8. **Expert Witnesses:** - Role of expert witnesses in civil proceedings. - Qualifications, admissibility of expert testimony, and challenges. 9. **Privileges and Exemptions:** - Legal privileges and exemptions affecting the admissibility of evidence. - Protection of certain communications and information. 10. **Judicial Discretion:** - Understanding the concept of judicial discretion in evidence rulings. - Factors influencing the admission or exclusion of evidence. 11. **Motions and Interlocutory Proceedings:** - Overview of various motions and interlocutory proceedings in civil cases. - Examples include motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, and other procedural motions. 12. **Trial Procedures:** - Procedures involved in conducting a civil trial. - Presentation of evidence, examination of witnesses, and legal arguments during trial. 13. **Post-Trial Motions and Remedies:** - Post-trial motions and remedies available to parties dissatisfied with the trial outcome. - Consideration of motions for judgment notwithstanding the verdict and other post-trial relief. 14. **Appeals in Civil Cases:** - Process of appealing a civil case. - Grounds for appeal, appellate court review, and the appellate process. 15. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to evidence and civil procedure. - Drafting motions, legal memoranda, and other relevant documents. 16. **Ethical Considerations in Civil Litigation:** - Discussion of ethical considerations and responsibilities for legal professionals practicing in civil litigation. - Professional conduct and responsibilities to clients and the court. 17. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for legal practice in civil litigation. - Client representation, case management, and courtroom advocacy.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
LAW402LAW OF TAXATION ( LAW OF TAXATION )Z303.06.031. **Introduction to Taxation:** - Overview of the concept of taxation, its purpose, and the role of taxation in government revenue. 2. **Sources of Tax Law:** - Examination of the legal sources of tax law, including constitutional provisions, statutes, regulations, and case law. 3. **Taxation Structures and Systems:** - In-depth study of different taxation structures and systems, such as income tax, corporate tax, value-added tax (VAT), and other relevant taxes. 4. **Taxable Entities:** - Analysis of the legal provisions related to taxation of various entities, including individuals, corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships. 5. **Taxable Income:** - Understanding the legal definitions and calculations of taxable income, including deductions, exemptions, and credits. 6. **International Taxation:** - Exploration of legal aspects related to international taxation, including the taxation of cross-border transactions, transfer pricing, and double taxation agreements. 7. **Tax Treaties and Agreements:** - Study of tax treaties and agreements between different jurisdictions to prevent double taxation and facilitate international trade and investment. 8. **Tax Compliance and Reporting:** - Detailed examination of legal requirements for tax compliance, including the preparation and filing of tax returns and financial disclosures. 9. **Tax Planning and Strategies:** - Analysis of legal methods for tax planning and strategies to minimize tax liability within the bounds of the law. 10. **Tax Credits and Incentives:** - Understanding the legal provisions related to tax credits, incentives, and exemptions designed to encourage specific behaviors or industries. 11. **Ethical Considerations in Tax Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations for tax professionals, including issues related to confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and compliance with professional standards. 12. **Tax Administration and Enforcement:** - Examination of the legal framework for tax administration, including the powers and responsibilities of tax authorities, audits, and enforcement mechanisms. 13. **Tax Dispute Resolution:** - Study of legal mechanisms for resolving tax disputes, including administrative appeals, alternative dispute resolution, and litigation. 14. **Emerging Issues in Tax Law:** - Stay informed about emerging legal issues and developments in tax law, such as changes in legislation, court decisions, and international tax trends. 15. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to tax law, including the interpretation and application of tax statutes and regulations. 16. **Application of Tax Law to Practical Scenarios:** - Application of tax law principles to practical scenarios and case studies to develop problem-solving skills. 17. **Preparation for Tax Practice:** - Practical insights into tax practice, including client representation, advisory services, and compliance roles. 18. **Review of Recent Tax Cases:** - Analysis of recent tax cases and their implications on tax law and practice.
LAW404CONFLICT OF LAWS ( CONFLICT OF LAWS )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Conflict of Laws:** - Overview of the field, its purpose, and its role in addressing legal issues involving multiple jurisdictions. 2. **Choice of Law Principles:** - Examination of the principles and methods used to determine the applicable law in cases with international or inter-jurisdictional elements. 3. **Jurisdictional Issues:** - Analysis of criteria for determining jurisdiction in cases involving international or multi-jurisdictional elements. 4. **Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments:** - Study of legal mechanisms for recognizing and enforcing judgments obtained in one jurisdiction in another. 5. **Contracts with International Elements:** - Treatment of contracts that involve parties, performance, or other elements in multiple jurisdictions. 6. **Torts with International Elements:** - Application of conflict of laws principles to tort cases, such as accidents occurring in different jurisdictions. 7. **Family Law Matters:** - Conflict of laws principles in family law, including divorce, child custody, and spousal support, when multiple jurisdictions are involved. 8. **Property and Succession Issues:** - Application of conflict of laws principles to property rights and succession matters involving assets or individuals in different jurisdictions. 9. **Corporate and Commercial Transactions:** - Conflict of laws implications in corporate and commercial transactions with international elements, including choice of law clauses in contracts. 10. **Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution:** - Role of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in resolving conflicts of laws issues. 11. **Public Policy Considerations:** - Examination of how public policy considerations may impact the application of foreign laws or the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. 12. **International Treaties and Conventions:** - Role and application of international treaties and conventions in resolving conflicts of laws. 13. **Human Rights and Conflict of Laws:** - Intersection of human rights considerations with conflict of laws principles in cases involving multiple jurisdictions. 14. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to conflict of laws issues. 15. **Ethical Considerations in International Practice:** - Discussion of ethical considerations that may arise in the practice of conflict of laws, especially in an international context. 16. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world cases and practical applications of conflict of laws principles. 17. **Preparation for Legal Practice in a Globalized World:** - Equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice law in a globalized world where legal issues often involve multiple jurisdictions.
LAW406COMPANY LAW II ( COMPANY LAW II )Z303.06.03Please look at the descriptions for the "COMPANY LAW-I" course.
LAW408INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW ( INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to International Trade Law:** - Overview of the significance of international trade and the legal framework governing cross-border transactions. 2. **World Trade Organization (WTO):** - Understanding the structure, functions, and dispute settlement mechanisms of the WTO. 3. **International Trade Agreements:** - Study of key regional and global trade agreements, including free trade agreements (FTAs) and customs unions. 4. **International Sale of Goods:** - Analysis of legal principles governing the international sale of goods, including the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). 5. **Trade in Services:** - Examination of the legal aspects of international trade in services, including the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). 6. **Intellectual Property Rights in International Trade:** - Overview of the protection of intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, copyrights) in the context of international trade. 7. **Trade Remedies:** - Study of trade remedies, including anti-dumping measures, countervailing duties, and safeguards. 8. **Customs Law and Tariffs:** - Understanding customs laws, tariff classifications, and the legal aspects of customs procedures in international trade. 9. **International Commercial Contracts:** - Analysis of legal issues related to the formation, performance, and termination of international commercial contracts. 10. **International Trade Finance:** - Examination of legal aspects of trade finance, including letters of credit, documentary collections, and trade finance instruments. 11. **E-Commerce and Digital Trade:** - Legal considerations related to electronic commerce, digital trade, and the use of technology in international business transactions. 12. **Labor and Environmental Standards:** - Integration of labor and environmental standards in international trade agreements and their impact on global business practices. 13. **Dispute Resolution in International Trade:** - Study of mechanisms for the resolution of disputes in international trade, including arbitration and WTO dispute settlement procedures. 14. **Trade and Competition Law:** - Analysis of the intersection of international trade law and competition law, including issues related to anti-competitive practices. 15. **Government Procurement:** - Understanding the legal aspects of government procurement in international trade. 16. **Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in International Trade:** - Exploration of CSR considerations and responsibilities for businesses engaged in international trade. 17. **Legal Research and Writing Skills:** - Development of practical legal research and writing skills specific to international trade law. 18. **Ethical Considerations in International Trade:** - Discussion of ethical considerations for legal professionals and businesses engaged in international trade. 19. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world cases and practical applications of international trade law principles. 20. **Preparation for International Trade Practice:** - Practical insights and skills necessary for legal practice, consulting, or other roles related to international trade law.
LAW410JUDİCİAL PSYCHOLOGY ( JUDİCİAL PSYCHOLOGY )Z303.05.031. **Introduction to Judicial Psychology:** - Overview of the field, its history, and its significance in the legal system. 2. **Psychological Processes in Legal Decision-Making:** - Examination of cognitive and emotional processes that influence legal decision-making among judges, jurors, lawyers, and other legal professionals. 3. **Cognitive Biases and Heuristics in Legal Contexts:** - Analysis of cognitive biases and heuristics that may impact legal decision-making, potentially leading to errors or distortions. 4. **Memory and Witness Testimony:** - Study of the reliability and accuracy of witness testimony, the role of memory, and factors influencing eyewitness identifications. 5. **Jury Decision-Making:** - Exploration of the dynamics of jury decision-making, including group processes, deliberation, and the impact of pre-trial publicity. 6. **Expert Testimony in Legal Proceedings:** - Understanding the use and impact of expert testimony, particularly from psychologists and mental health professionals, in legal cases. 7. **Interrogation, Confessions, and False Memories:** - Analysis of psychological aspects of police interrogation, false confessions, and the creation of false memories. 8. **Legal Issues in Mental Health:** - Examination of the intersection of psychology and mental health with legal issues, including competency evaluations, insanity defenses, and civil commitment. 9. **Forensic Psychology in Legal Practice:** - Overview of the contributions of forensic psychology to legal practice, including criminal profiling, risk assessment, and mental health evaluations. 10. **Ethical Considerations in Judicial Psychology:** - Discussion of ethical issues and considerations in the practice of judicial psychology, including confidentiality, informed consent, and professional conduct. 11. **Psychology and Legal Ethics:** - Examination of ethical considerations specific to legal professionals, including attorneys, judges, and forensic psychologists. 12. **Role of Psychology in Legal Reforms:** - Exploration of how psychological research and insights can contribute to legal reforms and policy changes within the legal system. 13. **Access to Justice and Equity:** - Discussion of how an understanding of psychology can contribute to promoting fairness, equity, and access to justice within the legal system. 14. **Case Studies and Practical Applications:** - Analysis of real-world cases and scenarios to apply psychological principles to legal contexts, enhancing practical understanding. 15. **Research in Judicial Psychology:** - Development of research skills to critically evaluate and apply psychological research findings to legal contexts. 16. **Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:** - Fostering critical thinking skills to analyze legal cases and understand the psychological dimensions involved in legal decision-making. 17. **Legal Consulting and Courtroom Strategies:** - Practical applications of psychology to legal consulting, trial strategy, jury selection, and other aspects of courtroom practice. 18. **Preparation for Careers in Judicial Psychology:** - Guidance and preparation for potential careers in judicial psychology, forensic psychology, legal consulting, and related fields.
LAW414INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS ( INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS )S303.03.031. **Introduction to International Organizations:** - Overview of the nature, history, and functions of international organizations. 2. **Legal Framework of International Organizations:** - Examination of the legal foundations that govern the creation, structure, and operations of international organizations. 3. **Treaty Law and International Agreements:** - Study of the role of treaties and other international agreements in establishing and regulating the activities of international organizations. 4. **Membership and Participation:** - Analysis of the principles and rules governing the admission, withdrawal, and participation of states and other entities in international organizations. 5. **Legal Personality of International Organizations:** - Understanding the legal personality of international organizations, including their capacity to enter into contracts, sue or be sued, and enjoy privileges and immunities. 6. **Responsibility and Accountability:** - Exploration of the legal principles related to the responsibility and accountability of international organizations for their actions and decisions. 7. **Immunities and Privileges:** - Study of the immunities and privileges granted to international organizations and their officials, including diplomatic privileges. 8. **Human Rights and International Organizations:** - Analysis of the role of international organizations in promoting and protecting human rights, and the legal frameworks governing their human rights obligations. 9. **Peace and Security:** - Examination of the contributions of international organizations to the maintenance of international peace and security, including peacekeeping and conflict resolution efforts. 10. **Environmental and Sustainable Development:** - Study of the involvement of international organizations in addressing global environmental challenges and promoting sustainable development, including their legal mandates. 11. **Economic and Trade Functions:** - Understanding the legal aspects of international organizations engaged in economic and trade activities, including their role in shaping international economic law. 12. **Dispute Resolution Mechanisms:** - Exploration of the mechanisms and procedures for the resolution of disputes involving international organizations, including recourse to international courts and tribunals. 13. **Relations with Member States:** - Analysis of the legal relationship between international organizations and their member states, covering issues related to sovereignty, cooperation, and contributions. 14. **Humanitarian Law and International Organizations:** - Study of the engagement of international organizations in humanitarian activities, including their legal obligations under international humanitarian law. 15. **Interaction with Other International Actors:** - Examination of the legal relationships between international organizations and other actors, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational corporations, and regional organizations. 16. **Role in Global Governance:** - Understanding the evolving role of international organizations in global governance and their impact on shaping international norms and policies. 17. **Legal Challenges and Reforms:** - Addressing current legal challenges faced by international organizations and exploring potential reforms in the legal framework governing their activities. 18. **Case Studies and Practical Application:** - Application of legal principles to real-world situations through case studies, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 19. **Ethical Considerations:** - Discussion of ethical considerations in the activities of international organizations, emphasizing the importance of ethical conduct in global governance. 20. **Preparation for Legal Practice:** - Preparing individuals for legal practice or careers in areas related to international organizations, including roles in diplomacy, international law, and policy analysis.
EBS : Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgi Sistemi Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi AKTS Bilgi Paketi AKTS Bilgi Paketi ECTS Information Package Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (AKTS/ECTS), Avrupa Yükseköğretim Alanı (Bologna Süreci) hedeflerini destekleyen iş yükü ve öğrenme çıktılarına dayalı öğrenci/öğrenme merkezli öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımı çerçevesinde yükseköğretimde uluslarası saydamlığı arttırmak ve öğrenci hareketliliği ile öğrencilerin yurtdışında gördükleri öğrenimleri kendi ülkelerinde tanınmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 1989 yılında Erasmus Programı (günümüzde Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Programı) kapsamında geliştirilmiş ve Avrupa ülkeleri tarafından yaygın olarak kabul görmüş bir kredi sistemidir. AKTS, aynı zamanda, yükseköğretim kurumlarına, öğretim programları ve ders içeriklerinin iş yüküne bağlı olarak kolay anlaşılabilir bir yapıda tasarlanması, uygulanması, gözden geçirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi ve bu sayede yükseköğretim programlarının kalitesinin geliştirilmesine ve kalite güvencesine önemli katkı sağlayan bir sistematik yaklaşım sunmaktadır. ETIS : İstanbul Aydın University Education & Training System Cyprus Science University ECTS Information Package ECTS Information Package European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Life Long Learning Programme, is a student-centered credit system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also offers a systematic approach to curriculum design as well as quality assessment and improvement and, thus, quality assurance.