

Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA103ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I )Z202.02.02Kavramlar, tanımlar, ders yöntemleri ve kaynakların tanımı, Sanayi Devrimi ve Fransız Devrimi, Osmanlı Devleti’nin Dağılışı (XIX. Yüzyıl), Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanı, I. ve II. Meşrutiyet, Trablusgarp ve Balkan Savaşları, I. Dünya Savaşı, Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması, Wilson İlkeleri, Paris Konferansı, M. Kemal’in Samsun’a Çıkışı ve Anadolu’daki Durum, Amasya Genelgesi, Ulusal Kongreler, Mebusan Meclisinin Açılışı, TBMM’nin Kuruluşu ve İç İsyanlar, Teşkilat-ı Esasi Kanunu, Düzenli Ordunun Kuruluşu, I. İnönü, II. İnönü, Kütahya-Eskişehir, Sakarya Meydan Muharebesi ve Büyük Taarruz, Kurtuluş Savaşı sırasındaki antlaşmalarIntroduction, Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat and Islahat Eras, Tripoli and Balkan Wars, World War I, The Armistice of Moudros, the Occupation of Anatolia and the National Reactions, The Birth of the Turkish Revolution, Turkish War of Independence, The Armistice of Mudanya, The Treaty of Lausanne.
ENG101ENGLISH I ( ENGLISH I )Z303.04.03Öğrencilerin rahat bir ortamda konuşabilmeleri , kurallı cümle kullanmaları için grammer bilgisi ve kelime öğretmek. yazma tekniklerini öğretmekAll four skills - but mainly focusing on writing and speaking skills
FEN101INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING ( INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING )Z223.04.04Introduction to engineering and types of engineering topics
MAT101CALCULUS I ( CALCULUS I )Z404.07.04ilgili oranlar ve aşırı değer problemlerini çözmek ve fonksiyonların doğrusal yaklaşımlarını elde etmek ve fonksiyonların değerlerine yaklaşmak için farklılaştırma prosedürleri; temel diferansiyel denklemleri çözmek için belirsiz integralin tanımı ve temel integrallerin değerlendirilmesinde belirli integralin tanımının kullanılması ve rasyonel fonksiyonların entegrasyonu için prosedürlerin kullanılması;the differentiation procedures to solve related rates and extreme value problems and obtain the linear approximations of functions and to approximate the values of functions; the definition of indefinite integral to solve basic differential equations and use the definition of definite integral to evaluate basic integrals and also use the procedures for integrating rational functions;
ORI100ORIENTATION ( ORIENTATION )Z000.00.00The contents of the ORY 100 University Life Introduction Course at Cyprus Science University cover various aspects aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of university life. The course typically includes the following key components: 1. Introduction to University Resources: - Overview of academic and administrative resources available on campus. - Introduction to libraries, research facilities, and online databases. 2. Academic Guidance: - Guidance on course selection, academic planning, and understanding degree requirements. - Information on grading systems, academic policies, and procedures. 3. Social Integration: - Activities to promote interaction among students and build a sense of community. - Introduction to student clubs, organizations, and extracurricular opportunities. 4. Time Management and Study Skills: - Strategies for effective time management to balance academic and personal life. - Study skills, note-taking techniques, and exam preparation. 5. Career and Professional Development: - Overview of career services and resources available to students. - Introduction to internship opportunities, resume building, and career planning. 6. Health and Wellness: - Information on campus health services and resources. - Promoting physical and mental well-being, stress management, and coping strategies. 7. Ethical Conduct and Academic Integrity: - Discussion on academic ethics, plagiarism, and the importance of integrity. - Understanding the university's code of conduct. 8. Technology and Campus Systems: - Familiarization with the university's online platforms, learning management systems, and student portals. - Guidance on using technology for academic purposes. 9. Diversity and Inclusion: - Exploration of cultural diversity and inclusivity on campus. - Understanding and respecting differences among students. 10. Orientation to University Policies: - Overview of important university policies, rules, and regulations. - Information on student rights and responsibilities. 11. Student Support Services: - Introduction to counseling services, academic advising, and support available for students facing challenges. By covering these diverse topics, the ORY 100 course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful and fulfilling university experience.
PDP400PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES ( KİŞİSEL GELİŞİM UYGULAMALARI )Z000.00.00The contents of the "KGU-400 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for undergraduate programs) and "KGU-200 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for associate degree programs) at Cyprus Science University cover a range of topics aimed at fostering holistic development. The course units typically include: 1. Introduction to Social and Personal Development: - Overview of the importance of social and personal development in academic and professional life. 2. Cultural Awareness and Diversity: - Exploration of cultural differences, promoting cultural competence, and fostering an understanding of diversity. 3. Communication Skills: - Development of effective verbal and written communication skills, including interpersonal and professional communication. 4. Teamwork and Collaboration: - Emphasis on the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and effective group dynamics. 5. Time Management and Goal Setting: - Strategies for effective time management, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks for academic and personal success. 6. Leadership and Decision-Making: - Introduction to leadership principles, decision-making processes, and problem-solving skills. 7. Stress Management and Well-being: - Techniques for managing stress, maintaining mental health, and promoting overall well-being. 8. Career Development and Planning: - Guidance on career exploration, planning, and the development of a professional identity. 9. Community Engagement and Service Learning: - Encouragement of community involvement, social responsibility, and the benefits of service learning. 10. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: - Development of critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies applicable in various contexts. 11. Ethics and Integrity: - Discussions on ethical principles, integrity, and the importance of ethical behavior in personal and professional life. 12. Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: - Activities promoting self-reflection, self-awareness, and strategies for personal growth. 13. Academic Success Strategies: - Techniques for effective study habits, exam preparation, and academic success. 14. Technological Literacy: - Familiarization with technology tools and platforms relevant to personal and professional development. 15. Participation in On-Campus Activities: - Encouragement and facilitation of participation in various on-campus events, clubs, and organizations. The comprehensive content of these courses aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for personal, academic, and professional success, fostering a well-rounded and capable individual.
PHY101GENERAL PHYSICS I ( GENERAL PHYSICS I )Z223.06.04The content are discussed as per listed topics.
TRK103TURKISH LANGUAGE I ( TURKISH LANGUAGE I )Z202.02.02Dilin tanımı, dilın sosyal bir kurum olarak yaşamımızdaki yeri ve önemi, Türk dilinin dünya dilleri arasındaki yeri ve Türk dilinin tarihi evreleri, Türkçede sesler ve sınıflandırılması, Türkçenin ses özellikleri ve ses bilgisi ile ilgili kuralları, Türkçenin yapım ekleri ve uygulaması, kompozisyonla ilgili genel bilgiler, kompozisyon yazmada kullanılacak plan, imlâ ve noktalama işaretleri, bu dersin içeriğini oluşturmaktadır.Definition and characteristics of language. Relationship between language and thought. Relationship between language and culture. Concepts of mother language, cultural language, international language. Writing a letter of application. Languages of the world. The place of the Turkish Language among world's languages. Historical development of Turkish language. Phonological, morphological, semantic and syntactic structure of Turkish Language. Types of clauses. Spelling rules. Punctuation marks.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA104ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II )Z202.02.02Siyasal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Hukuk Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, Eğitim ve Kültür Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, İktisâdi Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Sosyal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Atatürk İlkeleri, Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış PolitikasıThis course introduces the features of the Turkish Revolution and similar concepts, the reforms of the Ottoman Empire before the Turkish Revolution, the importance of Ataturk’s reforms, the emergence of Ataturk’s thought system and the revolutionary effect of the new Turkish Republic, and the Turkish war of independence.
COM106COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II ( COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II )Z223.05.04The course covers the following: Pointers and Strings, Structures and Unions, Files and Low Level Programming. Students are required to develop programs using C programming language, in order to solve simple to moderate problems.
ENG102ENGLISH II ( ENGLISH II )Z303.04.03Grammer , konuşma ve yazarak öğrencinin dile olan bilgisini artırmak , öz güven kazanmakGrammer , Dıscussion , Debate , Oral English , writing methods and techniques
MAT102CALCULUS II ( CALCULUS II )Z404.07.04öğrencilerin değişim ve hareketini matematiksel olarak tanıtmak için tasarlanan Analiz I'in bir devamıdır. Genel olarak, Matematik öğrencilerin çeşitli fonksiyonları tanımasını sağlar ve ayrıca karmaşık ve gerçek analiz, öklidyen olmayan geometri ve topoloji gibi yeni matematik alanlarındaki ilerlemeleri gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu dersin amacı, öğrencilerin çeşitli dezavantajlarda (bilim, mühendislik, tıp) ve iş dünyasında kullanılan çeşitli değişkenlerin fonksiyonlarının diferansiyel ve integral hesabının temel kavramlarını kavratmaktır.Calculus II is a continuation of Calculus I which is design to introduce students change and motion mathematically. Generally, Calculus enables students to recognize various functions and also has conducted to progress of novel fields of mathematics such as complex and real analysis, non-euclidean geometry and topology. The aim of this course is to enable students to comprehend the basic concepts of the differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables which is utilized in various deciplinines (science, engineering, medicine) and business, industry.
MAT106LINEAR ALGEBRA ( LINEAR ALGEBRA )Z303.04.03Matrices and a method for finding , Further Results on Systems of Equations and Inevitability, Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric Matrices, The Determinant Function, Evaluating Determinants by Row Reduction, Properties of the Determinant Function, Cofactor Expansion; Cramer’s Rule, Euclidean n-space, Linear Transformation , Properties of Linear Transformations from , Real Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Row Space, Column Space and Nullspace, Rank and Nullity, Inner Products, Angle and Orthogonality in Inner product Spaces , Orthogonal Bases; Gram-Schmidt Process, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization.Matrices and a method for finding , Further Results on Systems of Equations and Inevitability, Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric Matrices, The Determinant Function, Evaluating Determinants by Row Reduction, Properties of the Determinant Function, Cofactor Expansion; Cramer’s Rule, Euclidean n-space, Linear Transformation , Properties of Linear Transformations from , Real Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension, Row Space, Column Space and Nullspace, Rank and Nullity, Inner Products, Angle and Orthogonality in Inner product Spaces , Orthogonal Bases; Gram-Schmidt Process, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Diagonalization.
PHY102GENERAL PHYSICS II ( GENERAL PHYSICS II )Z223.06.04Fiziksel büyüklükler ve birimler. Vektör matematik. Hareket kinematiği. Newton hareket yasaları ve uygulamaları. İş-enerji teoremi. Dürtü ve momentum. Dönme kinematiği ve dinamiği. Statik dengePhysical quantities and units. Vector calculus. Kinematics of motion. Newton`s laws of motion and their applications. Work-energy theorem. Impulse and momentum. Rotational kinematics and dynamics. Static equilibrium
TRK104TURKISH LANGUAGE II ( TURKISH LANGUAGE II )Z202.02.02Clause types, narrative errors, proverb and idioms, syntactic errors, subordinative errors, paragraph, narrative types, oral narratives, punctuation marks, spelling rules.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
CSE215COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN ( COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN )Z223.06.04Öğrencilere CAD ilkelerini, kurulduğu teori ve yöntemleri ve uygulamadaki temel uygulamalarını tanıtan bir ders - tasarım çözümleri üretme, değerlendirme, modelleme, taslak hazırlama ve oluşturma.The aim of this course is to introduce students the basic concepts and the use of engineering drawing in the design and manufacturing field. The students acquaint with the basic knowledge and skills in engineering drawings and the capability to read and interpret blue prints for manufacturing.
EEE205QUANTUM PHYSICS ( QUANTUM PHYSICS )Z303.06.03On completion of this course students should be able to develop knowledge and understanding of the Quantum Physics. This course does not need any technical background except for some basics of algebra, trigonometry and calculus. It might be easier for those having already some math background but a mathematical appendix is furnished for those who need a reminder.
FEN201CIRCUIT THEORY I ( CIRCUIT THEORY I )Z324.07.05The course will primarily be providing information on definitions and units, experimental laws and simple circuits, techniques of circuit analysis, Ohm's law, power and energy. Series-parallel d.c. circuits. Controlled sources. Methods of d.c. circuit analysis; mesh and nodal analysis. Inductance and capacitance. Source-free RL and RC circuits. Applications. D.C. analysis of RLC circuits.
MAT207DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ( DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS )Z303.06.03Diferensiyel denklem ve ilgili temel kavramlar, başlangıç ve sınır değer problemleri ,varlık ve teklik teoremleri, değişkenlere ayrılabilen ve homogen diferensiyel denklemler.1. Know about what the differential equations and Laplace Transformations are 2. Solve first order and higher order differential equations by using certain methods 3. Know and solve initial value and boundary value problems 4. Apply their knowledge in other courses
MAT209DISCRETE MATHEMATICS ( DISCRETE MATHEMATICS )Z303.05.03In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions,counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in electrical and computer engineering.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
EEE206DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN ( DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN )Z303.05.03Sayı sistemleri, aritmetik işlemler, ondalık kodlar, alfasayısal kodlar, Boolean cebiri, Karnaugh haritaları, NAND ve NOR kapıları, özel-OR kapıları, entegre devreler, kombinasyon devreleri, kod çözücüler, kodlayıcılar, çoklayıcılar, toplayıcılar, çıkarıcılar, çarpanlar, sıralı devreler, mandallar, parmak arası terlik, sıralı devre analizi, kayıtlar, sayaçlar, RAM ve ROM bellekleri, programlanabilir mantık teknolojileri (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA) ve sayaçlar.Emphasis will be laid on the number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, NAND and NOR gates, exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, subtractors, multipliers, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, registers, counters, RAM and ROM memories, programmable logic technologies (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA), and counters.
EEE214SIGNAL PROCESSING ( SIGNAL PROCESSING )Z303.06.03Doğrusal sistemlerin zaman ve frekans alanı temsillerine aşina olma ve iki alan arasındaki ilişkilerin anlaşılması. Doğrusal sistemlerin üzerinde çalıştıkları sinyalleri nasıl etkilediğini anlamak. Dönüşüm tekniklerini kullanarak sinyalleri ve sistemleri analiz etmek için matematiksel becerilerin geliştirilmesi.Familiarization with time and frequency domain representations of linear systems and understanding the inter-relationships between the two domains. Understanding how linear systems affect the signals they operate on. Development of the mathematical skills to analyze signals and systems using transform techniques.
EEE216CIRCUIT THEORY II ( CIRCUIT THEORY II )Z324.07.05AC kararlı durum analizi. AC kararlı durum gücü. Üç fazlı devreler. Laplace Dönüşümleri. S-alanında devre analizi. Frekans tepkisi. Karşılıklı endüktanslar ve transformatörler. İki kapılı devreler.AC steady-state analysis. AC steady-state power. Three-phase circuits. The Laplace Transforms. Circuit analysis in the s-domain. Frequency response. Mutual inductances and transformers. Two-port circuits.
MAT206PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS ( PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS )Z303.05.03Sample Space, Probability of Event, Conditional Probabiliy, Baye's Rule, Random Variables and Probability distributions, Mathematical Expectation, Discrete probability distributions, Continous probability distributions, `descriptive statistics, Measures of general Tendencies
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
EEE315ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY ( ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY )Z303.06.03Vektör hesabının gözden geçirilmesi, vakumda elektrostatik, Coulomb ve Gauss yasaları, Elektrostatik potansiyel, Zehir ve Laplace denklemleri, Elektrostatik alanların varlığında iletkenler, Görüntü yöntemi, Dielektrikler; polarizasyon. Dielektrik sınır koşulları. Kapasitans. Sanal çalışma prensibi ile elektrostatik kuvvetler. Kararlı akımlar. Ohm ve Joule yasaları. Direnç hesaplamaları. Vakumdaki manyetostatikler. Amper'ın kuvvet yasası. Biot-Savart yasası. Manyetik vektör potansiyeli, Ampere'nin dolaşım yasası. Manyetik sınır koşulları. Manyetik dipol. Mıknatıslanma. Manyetik devreler. Histerezis eğrisi. Öz ve karşılıklı endüktans. Manyetik depolanmış enerji. Sanal çalışma prensibi ile manyetik kuvvetler.Review of vector calculus, Electrostatics in vacuum, Coulomb’s and Gauss’s laws, Electrostatic potential, Poison’s and Laplace’s equations, Conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields, Method of images, Dielectrics; polarization. Dielectric boundary conditions. Capacitance. Electrostatic forces by the virtual work principle. Steady currents. Ohm’s and Joule’s laws. Resistance calculations. Magnetostatics in vacuum. Ampere’s force law. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic vector potential, Ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic boundary conditions. Magnetic dipole. Magnetization. Magnetic circuits. Hysteresis curve. Self and mutual inductance. Magnetic stored energy. Magnetic forces by the virtual work principle.
EEE317ELECTRICAL MACHINES ( ELECTRICAL MACHINES )Z303.05.03bu derste manyetik malzemeler, manyetik parametreler ve malzemelerin manyetik özellikleri incelenir. Yumuşak manyetik malzemelerin ve manyetik devrelerin uygulanması da derse dahildir. Tek fazlı transformatörler, ideal transformatörler ve gerçek transformatörler olmak üzere iki kategoride analiz edilir. Otomatik transformatörler gibi özel amaçlı transformatörler ve güç derecelendirme avantajları analiz edilir. Bu ders aynı zamanda üç fazlı transformatörleri ve güç dağıtım sistemlerindeki işlevlerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. AC / DC makine temelleri, basit dönen döngü, gerçek DC makinelerin güç akışı ve kayıpları, şönt ve seri bağlı DC makinelerin analizi ve DC jeneratör temelleri de dersin önemli bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır.This course analyzes magnetic materials, magnetic parameters and magnetic properties of the materials. Application of soft magnetic materials and magnetic circuits are also involved in the course. Single phase transformers are analyzed in two categories such as ideal transformers and real transformers. Special purpose transformers such as auto-transformers and their power rating advantage are analyzed. This course also aims to examine three-phase transformers and their functions in power distribution systems. AC/DC machinery fundamentals, simple rotating loop, power flow and losses of real DC machines, analysis of shunt and series connected DC machines and DC generator fundamentals are also take significant part in the course.
EEE319ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION ( ANALOG AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION )Z303.05.03The course provides the basic introduction to communications systems for electrical and computer engineers. Topics covered include the basics of analog communication; angle and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing; basics of digital communication;; quantization; modulation; time-division multiplexing and binary signal formats. The content of "Communication Systems" represents the basic knowledge necessary for transmitting and receiving information using today's communication technologies. The techniques that will be studied involve coding information onto a carrier (modulation) which is then transmitted.Fourier series; Fourier transforms and continuous spectra. Time and frequency relations. Transmission of signals through linear systems. Continuous-wave modulation. Amplitude, phase and frequency modulation. Generation and detection of AM, DSB-SC, SSB,VSB, PM and FM signals. CW modulation systems. Super-Heterodyne receivers. Frequency-division multiplexing systems. Monochrome and colour television. Sampling theory. Pulse modulation. Time-division multiplexing. Digital encoding of analog waveforms. Pulse-code modulation (PCM). Differential PCM. Predictive coding.
FEN301ELECTRONICS I ( ELECTRONICS I )Z303.06.03Diode circuits, Zener diodes, rectifiers, filters. BJT, MOSFET and JFET amplifier design including biasing, small signal analysis and frequency response. Design of multistage amplifiers. Differential and operational amplifier design. Output stages.
MAT303COMPLEX ANALYSIS ( COMPLEX ANALYSIS )Z303.05.03Ders ünitesi birimi, Cauchy Teoremine ve kalıntı hesabına vurgu yaparak, karmaşık analizin temel fikirlerini tanıtmayı amaçlamaktadır.The course unit unit aims to introduce the basic ideas of complex analysis, with particular emphasis on Cauchy's Theorem a nd the calculus of residues
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
EEE302INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEM ( INTRODUCTION TO CONTROL SYSTEM )Z313.05.04Kontrole giriş: açık döngü ve kapalı döngü kontrolü. Modelleme: transfer fonksiyonu, blok diyagram, sinyal akış grafiği, durum denklemleri. Geri besleme kontrol sistemi özellikleri: duyarlılık, bozulma reddi, sabit durum hatası. Performans özellikleri: ikinci dereceden sistem, baskın kökler, geri besleme sistemlerinin kararlı durum hatası. Kararlılık: Routh-Hurwitz kriteri, bağıl kararlılık. Kök odağı yöntemi. Frekans cevabı yöntemleri: Bode diyagramı, frekans alanındaki performans, Nyquist kararlılık kriteri, kazanç marjı ve faz marjı, Nichols grafiği.Introduction to control: open loop and closed loop control. Modelling: transfer function, block diagram, signal flow graph, state equations. Feedback control system characteristics: sensitivity, disturbance rejection, steady-state error. Performance specifications: second-order system, dominant roots, steady-state error of feedback systems. Stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion, relative stability. The root locus method. Frequency response methods: Bode diagram, performance in the frequency domain, Nyquist stability criterion, gain margin and phase margin, Nichols chart. 
EEE306MICROPROCESSORS ( MICROPROCESSORS )Z324.05.05Dönem sonunda öğrenciler, derleyici, hata ayıklama ve öykünme yazılımını kullanarak x86 derleme dilinde programlar yazabilir, test edebilir ve hata ayıklayabilir ve derleme dilini diğer işlemci derleme dilleri ve üst düzey dillerle ilişkilendirebilir.By the end of term, students should be able to write, test and debug programs in x86 assembly language using assembler, debug and emulation software and relate assembly language with other processor assembly languages and high level languages.
EEE322ELECTRONICS II ( ELECTRONICS II )Z324.06.05Amplifikatörlerin, akım aynalarının ve entegre devrelerde kullanılan diferansiyel amplifikatörlerin frekans cevabını araştırmak. Geri besleme amplifikatörleri ve kararlılığı ve güç amplifikatörleri üzerine çalışma, öğrencilerin karmaşık amplifikatör devrelerini anlamalarına yardımcı olacaktır.To investigate the frequency response of amplifiers, the current mirrors and the differential amplifiers used in integrated circuits. Study on feedback amplifiers and stability, and power amplifiers will help students to understand complex amplifiers circuits.
MAT302NUMERICAL ANALYSIS ( NUMERICAL ANALYSIS )Z303.05.03Bu ders, Yuvarlama Hataları ve Bilgisayar Aritmetiği'ni kapsar: İkili Makine Numaraları, Ondalık Makine Numaraları, Yakınsama Hızı, İkiye Bölme Yöntemi; Sabit Nokta Yineleme Newton Metodu; Sadık Yöntem, Yanlış Konum Metodu; Yinelemeli Yöntemler için Hata Analizi; Hızlandıran Yakınsaklık, Enterpolasyon ve Lagrange Polinomu, Veri Yaklaşımı ve Neville Yöntemi, Bölünmüş Farklar: İleri, Geri ve Merkezli Farklar Sayısal Türevlendirme: Üç ve Beş Nokta Formülleri Sayısal İntegrasyon, Sayısal Türev: İkinci Türevli Orta Nokta Formülü; Yuvarlama Hata İstikrarsızlığı, Sayısal İntegral: Trapez ve Simpson Kuralları, Romberg Entegrasyonu, Uyarlanabilir Kuadrar Yöntemleri, Gauss Dördüğü, Sayısal İntegrasyon: Açık ve Kapalı Newton-Cotes Formülleri, Sayısal İntegrasyon: Bileşik Sayısal İntegrasyon ve Yuvarlama Hata KararlılığıThis course covers the Round-off Errors and Computer Arithmetic: Binary Machine Numbers, Decimal Machine Numbers, Rate of Convergence,The Bisection Method; Fixed-Point Iteration The Newton's Method; The Secant Method,The Method of False Position; Error Analysis for Iterative Methods; Accelerating Convergence,Interpolation and the Lagrange Polynomial,Data Approximation and Neville's Method,Divided Differences: Forward, Backward and Centered Differences Numerical Differentiation: Three and Five Point Formulas Numerical Integration,Numerical Differentiation: Second Derivative Midpoint Formula; Round-Off Error Instability,Numerical Integration: the Trapezoidal and Simpson's Rule , Romberg Integration, Adaptive Quadrature Methods, Gaussian Quadrature,Numerical Integration: Open and Closed Newton-Cotes Formulas,Numerical Integration: Composite Numerical Integration and Round-Off Error Stability
TEL415ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ( ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE )Z303.06.03Introduction: History and foundations of AI • Problem solving: • Uninformed and informed Search • Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Constrained Optimization problems (complete and incomplete techniques) • Adversarial Search: two players games, games with uncertainty • Decision support systems and technologies • Knowledge representation • Reasoning • Expert systems Machine learning Basics of: • Decision trees • Ensemble learning • Reinforcement learning • Evolutionary computation • Neural networks
TEL419INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING ( INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING )Z303.06.03Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.
EEE312POWER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ( POWER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS )S303.04.03Birim başına sistem; Üç fazlı devrelerin, transformatörlerin ve senkron makinelerin gözden geçirilmesi; İletim hatlarının modellenmesi; Kısa, orta uzunlukta ve uzun iletim hatları; İletim hattı geçişleri; Ağ empedansı ve giriş modelleri; Ağ hesaplamaları; Güç akışı çözümleri. Bu ders Güç Sistem Mühendisliğine giriş niteliğindedir. Amaç öğrenciye bir elektrik enerjisi sisteminin temel kavramlarını tanıtmak ve temel analiz araçlarını öğretmektir.The per-unit system; Review of three-phase circuits, transformers and synchronous machines; Modelling of transmission lines; Short, medium-length and long transmission lines; Transmission line transients; Network impedance and admittance models; Network calculations; Power flow solutions. This course is an introduction to Power System Engineering. The objective is to introduce the student to the basic concepts of an electrical power system, and teach the basic tools of analysis.
ENL304RENEWABLE ENERGY ( RENEWABLE ENERGY )S303.04.03Understanding Renewable Energy Sources: Students learn about various renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass, including their availability, characteristics, and potential for energy generation. Technology and Applications: Explore the different technologies used to harness renewable energy, including photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, hydroelectric dams, geothermal power plants, and bioenergy processes. Understand their principles of operation, design considerations, and applications in different contexts. Energy Policy and Economics: Examine policies, regulations, incentives, and economic frameworks influencing the adoption and deployment of renewable energy technologies. Understand the economic viability, cost-effectiveness, and market dynamics of renewable energy systems. Environmental Impacts: Assess the environmental benefits and impacts associated with renewable energy deployment, including greenhouse gas emissions reduction, land use implications, wildlife impacts, and water consumption considerations.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
EEE491SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT I ( SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT I )Z244.07.06Öğrenciler edindikleri bilgileri öğrenimleri sırasında kullanmaya ve analitik yöntem düşüncelerini çeşitli teknik derslere uygulayarak gerçek dünya mühendisliği problemini gerçek veri ve ekipmanları kullanarak çözmeye çalışırlar. Projenin karmaşıklığına bağlı olarak, öğrenciler bir fakülte, endüstri veya hükümet sponsoru tarafından tanımlanan projeler üzerinde bireysel olarak veya küçük ekipler halinde çalışacaklardır. Öğrenciler ilgi alanlarına yönelik projeyi dönem başında ilan edilen önerilen projeler listesinden seçecekler, böylece projeyi zamanında organize etmek ve yapmak için zamanları olacak. Tanımlanan formata göre proje raporu dönem sonuna kadar sunulacaktır.The students are encouraged to use the knowledge they have gained during their studies and try to solve a real world engineering problem using actual data and equipments by applying the analytic methods thoughts in various technical courses. Depending on the project's complexity, students will work individually or in small teams on a proposed projects defined by a faculty, industry, or governmental sponsor. The students will be selecting their project of interest from a list of proposed projects posted early in the semester so they have time to organize and do the project well in time. The project report as per defined format is to be submitted by the end of semester.
TEL401POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION ( POWER GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION )S303.06.03elektrik enerjisi üretimi, enerji santralleri ve elektrik ekonomisi, frekans ve gerilim kontrolü, koruma koordinasyonu. Orta ve alçak gerilim dağıtım sistemlerinde gerilim düşümü hesapları. Hat ve kablo kesit seçimi kriterleri. Telafisi. Şebeke arızaları ve kısa devre akım hesapları.electric energy generation, power plants and electric economy, frequency and voltage control, protection co-ordination. Calculations of voltage drop in medium and low voltage distribution systems. Selection criteria of cross-section of lines and cables. Compensation. Network faults and short circuit current calculations.
TEL403DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING ( DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING )S303.06.03Digital Image Processing methods have basically two application areas which are: 1) improvement of pictorial information for human interpretation, which requires Image Filtering & Enhancement techniques, 2) processing of image data acquired for a. storage, b. transmission and c. representation for autonomous machine perception where Acquisition techniques, Wavelets & Multiresolution Processing together with Compression, Morphological processing, Segmentation and Object recognition are required.
TEL407OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ( OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY )S303.06.03The challenge of providing safe and healthy workplaces in a context of a market economy and global competition that produces pressure for low-cost production. Students will consider major types of workplace health and safety problems; review existing public policy in the area, and learn how to conduct a workplace audit. They also consider how employers, unions, and public policy might improve health and safety outcomes. Issues are addressed using multiple disciplines (sociology; history; industrial hygiene; and employment relations)
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
EEE492SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT II ( SENIOR DESIGN PROJECT II )Z244.07.06The students are encouraged to use the knowledge they have gained during their studies and try to solve a real world engineering problem using actual data and equipments by applying the analytic methods thoughts in various technical courses. Depending on the project's complexity, students will work individually or in small teams on a proposed projects defined by a faculty, industry, or governmental sponsor. The students will be selecting their project of interest from a list of proposed projects posted early in the semester so they have time to organize and do the project well in time. The project report as per defined format is to be submitted by the end of semester.
EEE402WAVE PROPAGATION AND ANTENNA ( WAVE PROPAGATION AND ANTENNA )S303.05.03This is a course on the design and analysis of antenna. This course comprehensively covers a wide variety of antennas and propagation topics related to numerous communication systems. This course presents fundamental theory together with techniques for the practical design, measurement, and application of antennas over the RF (radio-frequency) to millimeter wave frequency range.
EEE410SATELLITE COMMUNICATION ( SATELLITE COMMUNICATION )S303.05.03Uydu haberleşme sistemlerinin prensiplerini, kavramlarını ve işleyişini açıklar. Sinyal yayılımı etkileri, link tasarımı, yağmur solması ve link kullanılabilirliği kavramlarını açıklar ve girişim hesaplamaları yapar. Uydu iletişimi için modülasyon tekniklerini ve hata düzeltme kodlarını kavrar. Uydu iletişim sistemlerinin performansını simüle etmek ve analiz etmek için yazılım araçlarını kullanın ve bağlantı deneyleri yapmak için gerçek uydu yukarı / aşağı bağlantılarını (uydu bağlantılarının kullanılabilirliğine bağlı olarak) kullanın. Uydu iletişim sistemlerinin tasarım gereksinimlerini ve performansını eleştirel olarak analiz eder.Mühendislik ve ticari yönler, yörünge mekaniği, görünüm açılarının belirlenmesi, sistem performansındaki yörünge etkileri, uzay aracı alt sistemleri, transponderler, antenler, uydu bağlantı tasarımı, uydu iletişim sistemlerinde kullanılan modülasyon ve çoğullama teknikleri, çoklu erişim (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA).Explain the principles, concepts and operation of satellite communication systems. Describe the concepts of signal propagation affects, link design, rain fading and link availability and perform interference calculations.Understand modulation techniques and error correction codes for satellite communication. Use software tools to simulate and analyse the performance of satellite communication systems, and use real satellite up/down links (subject to the availability of satellite links) to conduct link experiments. Critically analyse the design requirements and the performance of satellite communication systemsEngineering and commercial aspects, orbital mechanics, look angles determination, orbital effects in system performance, spacecraft subsystems, transponders, antennas, satellite link design, modulation and multiplexing techniques used in satellite communication systems, multiple access ( FDMA, TDMA, CDMA).
EEE414POWER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ( POWER SYSTEMS ANALYSIS )S303.05.03This course is an introduction to Power System Engineering. The objective is to introduce the student to the basic concepts of an electrical power system, and teach the basic tools of analysis.
TEL402PLANNING ORGANIZING AND CONTROLLING RESOURCES ( PLANNING ORGANIZING AND CONTROLLING RESOURCES )S303.05.03Strategic planning is vital for ensuring an organization still will be a leader in its field 20 years in the future. The plan is a tool leadership can use to judge an organization's health at that moment. Lessons delve into why a plan is needed and explains the difference between a business plan, long-term planning, and a strategic plan. The course also explains how the plan will ensure an organization's success. It explains the importance of mandates – both formal and informal; how to write a mission and vision statement and why they are important for an organization; and it explains values and how they play a vital role in how decisions are made along with their guiding force within the institution.
EBS : Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgi Sistemi Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi AKTS Bilgi Paketi AKTS Bilgi Paketi ECTS Information Package Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (AKTS/ECTS), Avrupa Yükseköğretim Alanı (Bologna Süreci) hedeflerini destekleyen iş yükü ve öğrenme çıktılarına dayalı öğrenci/öğrenme merkezli öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımı çerçevesinde yükseköğretimde uluslarası saydamlığı arttırmak ve öğrenci hareketliliği ile öğrencilerin yurtdışında gördükleri öğrenimleri kendi ülkelerinde tanınmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 1989 yılında Erasmus Programı (günümüzde Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Programı) kapsamında geliştirilmiş ve Avrupa ülkeleri tarafından yaygın olarak kabul görmüş bir kredi sistemidir. AKTS, aynı zamanda, yükseköğretim kurumlarına, öğretim programları ve ders içeriklerinin iş yüküne bağlı olarak kolay anlaşılabilir bir yapıda tasarlanması, uygulanması, gözden geçirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi ve bu sayede yükseköğretim programlarının kalitesinin geliştirilmesine ve kalite güvencesine önemli katkı sağlayan bir sistematik yaklaşım sunmaktadır. ETIS : İstanbul Aydın University Education & Training System Cyprus Science University ECTS Information Package ECTS Information Package European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Life Long Learning Programme, is a student-centered credit system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also offers a systematic approach to curriculum design as well as quality assessment and improvement and, thus, quality assurance.