

Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA103ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I )Z202.02.02Kavramlar, tanımlar, ders yöntemleri ve kaynakların tanımı, Sanayi Devrimi ve Fransız Devrimi, Osmanlı Devleti’nin Dağılışı (XIX. Yüzyıl), Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanı, I. ve II. Meşrutiyet, Trablusgarp ve Balkan Savaşları, I. Dünya Savaşı, Mondros Ateşkes Antlaşması, Wilson İlkeleri, Paris Konferansı, M. Kemal’in Samsun’a Çıkışı ve Anadolu’daki Durum, Amasya Genelgesi, Ulusal Kongreler, Mebusan Meclisinin Açılışı, TBMM’nin Kuruluşu ve İç İsyanlar, Teşkilat-ı Esasi Kanunu, Düzenli Ordunun Kuruluşu, I. İnönü, II. İnönü, Kütahya-Eskişehir, Sakarya Meydan Muharebesi ve Büyük Taarruz, Kurtuluş Savaşı sırasındaki antlaşmalarIntroduction, Fall of the Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat and Islahat Eras, Tripoli and Balkan Wars, World War I, The Armistice of Moudros, the Occupation of Anatolia and the National Reactions, The Birth of the Turkish Revolution, Turkish War of Independence, The Armistice of Mudanya, The Treaty of Lausanne.
BUS101PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS I ( PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS I )Z303.07.03in this course explaining to understand the describe the role of business in society, Identify the forms of organizations, Gain insights into entrepreneurship and small business management, Explain the principles of management, and Practice professionalism, and use career exploration tools.
CMP101COMPUTER I ( COMPUTER I )Z202.02.02The course presents the basic description of computer hardware, software, working principles of computers, representation of information in computers, systems and application software, usage of office tools, the Internet and the World Wide Web, Networks:communicating and sharing resources, wired and wireless communication, privacy, crimes and security, also ethical issues involved in computer usage.
ECO101INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I ( INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I )Z303.07.03The content of the course consists of the principles of economy, markets and ways of working, markets and welfare, public sector and economy, firm behavior, industrial organization, factor markets and consumer preferences.
ENG101ENGLISH I ( ENGLISH I )Z303.04.03All skills but mainly focusing on the techniques of writing skill and oral sessions and pronunciation
MAT113MATHEMATICS I ( MATHEMATICS I )Z303.06.03The course topics are the idea of function, graphs of real valued functions, transcendental functions, mathematics of finance, matrices and their applications, introductory probability and statistics, limits and continuity of functions.
ORI100ORIENTATION ( ORIENTATION )Z000.00.00The contents of the ORY 100 University Life Introduction Course at Cyprus Science University cover various aspects aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of university life. The course typically includes the following key components: 1. Introduction to University Resources: - Overview of academic and administrative resources available on campus. - Introduction to libraries, research facilities, and online databases. 2. Academic Guidance: - Guidance on course selection, academic planning, and understanding degree requirements. - Information on grading systems, academic policies, and procedures. 3. Social Integration: - Activities to promote interaction among students and build a sense of community. - Introduction to student clubs, organizations, and extracurricular opportunities. 4. Time Management and Study Skills: - Strategies for effective time management to balance academic and personal life. - Study skills, note-taking techniques, and exam preparation. 5. Career and Professional Development: - Overview of career services and resources available to students. - Introduction to internship opportunities, resume building, and career planning. 6. Health and Wellness: - Information on campus health services and resources. - Promoting physical and mental well-being, stress management, and coping strategies. 7. Ethical Conduct and Academic Integrity: - Discussion on academic ethics, plagiarism, and the importance of integrity. - Understanding the university's code of conduct. 8. Technology and Campus Systems: - Familiarization with the university's online platforms, learning management systems, and student portals. - Guidance on using technology for academic purposes. 9. Diversity and Inclusion: - Exploration of cultural diversity and inclusivity on campus. - Understanding and respecting differences among students. 10. Orientation to University Policies: - Overview of important university policies, rules, and regulations. - Information on student rights and responsibilities. 11. Student Support Services: - Introduction to counseling services, academic advising, and support available for students facing challenges. By covering these diverse topics, the ORY 100 course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful and fulfilling university experience.
PDP400PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES ( KİŞİSEL GELİŞİM UYGULAMALARI )Z000.00.00The contents of the "KGU-400 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for undergraduate programs) and "KGU-200 Social and Personal Development Practices" (for associate degree programs) at Cyprus Science University cover a range of topics aimed at fostering holistic development. The course units typically include: 1. Introduction to Social and Personal Development: - Overview of the importance of social and personal development in academic and professional life. 2. Cultural Awareness and Diversity: - Exploration of cultural differences, promoting cultural competence, and fostering an understanding of diversity. 3. Communication Skills: - Development of effective verbal and written communication skills, including interpersonal and professional communication. 4. Teamwork and Collaboration: - Emphasis on the importance of teamwork, collaboration, and effective group dynamics. 5. Time Management and Goal Setting: - Strategies for effective time management, setting goals, and prioritizing tasks for academic and personal success. 6. Leadership and Decision-Making: - Introduction to leadership principles, decision-making processes, and problem-solving skills. 7. Stress Management and Well-being: - Techniques for managing stress, maintaining mental health, and promoting overall well-being. 8. Career Development and Planning: - Guidance on career exploration, planning, and the development of a professional identity. 9. Community Engagement and Service Learning: - Encouragement of community involvement, social responsibility, and the benefits of service learning. 10. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: - Development of critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies applicable in various contexts. 11. Ethics and Integrity: - Discussions on ethical principles, integrity, and the importance of ethical behavior in personal and professional life. 12. Self-Reflection and Personal Growth: - Activities promoting self-reflection, self-awareness, and strategies for personal growth. 13. Academic Success Strategies: - Techniques for effective study habits, exam preparation, and academic success. 14. Technological Literacy: - Familiarization with technology tools and platforms relevant to personal and professional development. 15. Participation in On-Campus Activities: - Encouragement and facilitation of participation in various on-campus events, clubs, and organizations. The comprehensive content of these courses aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary for personal, academic, and professional success, fostering a well-rounded and capable individual.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ATA104ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II ( ATATURK'S PRINCIPLES & HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II )Z202.02.02Siyasal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Hukuk Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, Eğitim ve Kültür Alanında Yapılan İnkılâplar, İktisâdi Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Sosyal Alanda Yapılan İnkılâplar, Atatürk İlkeleri, Atatürk Dönemi Türk Dış PolitikasıThis course introduces the features of the Turkish Revolution and similar concepts, the reforms of the Ottoman Empire before the Turkish Revolution, the importance of Ataturk’s reforms, the emergence of Ataturk’s thought system and the revolutionary effect of the new Turkish Republic, and the Turkish war of independence.
BUS102PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS II ( PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS II )Z303.07.03Introduction, Managers and You in the workplace , History of management , Organizational environment and culture , Ethics and Social responsibility , Planning.
CMP102COMPUTER II ( COMPUTER II )Z202.02.02Bu ders bilgisayar ve bilişim teknolojilerinin günlük kullanımına giriş niteliğindedir. Bilgisayarlar evlerde, okullarda, kurumlarda ve işyerlerinde hayatımızın bir parçası ve bilgisayarlar ile sürekli büyüyen bir ortaklık içinde. Dahası, gelişen teknolojilerin bir sonucu olarak önümüzdeki yıllarda bilgisayarlar hayatımızda daha da büyük bir rol oynayacaThis course is an introduction to everyday use of computer and information technologies. Computers are part of our life at homes, schools, institutions and businesses are engaged in an ever-growing partnership with computers. Moreover, computers will play an even greater role in our lives in the years to come as a result of developing technology.
ECO102INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II ( INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II )Z303.07.03Macroeconomics is the study of aggregate (or total effects) on the national economy and the global economy of the choices that individuals, business, and governments make. Topics such as aggregate demand, aggregate supply, inflation and growth and the economic policies of the government such as fiscal and monetary tools will be covered.
ENG102ENGLISH II ( ENGLISH II )Z303.04.03Grammer, essay , discussion , aytışma . okuma ve konuşmaGrammar , Discussion , Debates , Vocabulary ( Advanced Level ) , speaking , reading
MAT114MATHEMATICS II ( MATHEMATICS II )Z303.06.03In this two semester course, the objective is to make an introduction to maths, by focusing on the college algebra for the first part of the semester, then to give comprehensive idea of usage of math in social sciences; give applicative notion of concepts that are used in economics an management sciences; and later introducing the calculus concepts for transitional formation to the second part of the two semester course. The second semester part of the course will solely be devoted to calculus topics.
TRK104TURKISH LANGUAGE II ( TURKISH LANGUAGE II )Z202.02.02Clause types, narrative errors, proverb and idioms, syntactic errors, subordinative errors, paragraph, narrative types, oral narratives, punctuation marks, spelling rules.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ECO201MICROECONOMICS ( MICROECONOMICS )Z303.06.03This course is a survey of microeconomic theory, problems and policies. Understanding the micro-economy involves studying how members of a society interact with the markets to resolve questions such as what goods to produce, how much to produce, how to produce them and who is going to consume them. To answer these questions we have to understand the behavior of individual consumers, firms, resource owners and markets. The behavior of the individual consumers bases on the “Consumer Behavior theory”. A study of individual firm emphases on an analysis of supply, demand and costs, production and pricing under various market conditions, profit maximization, market failure. Also study the effect of government regulations on the decision of consumers and firms.
FNS203PRINCIPLES OF BANKING ( PRINCIPLES OF BANKING )Z303.06.03This course presents the students underlying the nature and organization of banks and other financial intermediaries and analyses their basic functions in the modern economy.
FNS205FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I ( FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I )Z303.06.03The emphasis of Financial Accounting I is placed on the fundamentals of recording, adjusting, analyzing, and reporting financial information in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Includes the introduction of the accounting for cash, accounts receivable, inventory, fixed assets, accounts payable, revenues and expenses
MRK201INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING ( INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING )Z303.06.03The main elements of marketing are analyzed in the content of the course planned as an introduction to marketing. Basic Principles of Marketing, Product / Service Development, Pricing Methods and Applications; Distribution channels Methods and Applications, Promotion Methods and Applications, Consumer Behaviors and Marketing Strategies.
STT201STATISTICS I ( STATISTICS I )Z303.06.03Research data in sciences and business; presentation and interpretation of data; basic probability concepts and theory; probability distributions.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ECO202MACROECONOMICS ( MACROECONOMICS )Z303.06.03Introduction of the economy as a whole including such topics as economic organization, national income accounting, economic growth and fluctuations, inflation, labor market, money and monetary policy, government and public economy, international trade. Course covers the use of theoretical tools to explain the determinants and measurements of the level and change in aggregate macroeconomic variables. One of the goals of this course is to provide a basic knowledge of most important macro economic theories (Keynesian and classical approaches examined).
FNS206BANKING OPERATIONS ( BANKING OPERATIONS )Z303.06.03What is special about banks? Bank activities and services Types of banking International banking Central banking Bank regulation and supervision Banks’ balance sheet and income structure Banking in the UK, US, Japan Review & presentations
STT202STATISTICS II ( STATISTICS II )Z303.06.03This course is an introductory course in statistics intended for students in a wide variety of areas of study. Topics discussed include displaying and describing data, the normal curve, regression, probability, statistical inference, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests with applications in the real world. Students also have the opportunity to analyze data sets using technology.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
FNS305RETAIL BANKING ( RETAIL BANKING )Z303.06.03Bankacılık sektörünü tanımla. Perakende bankacılık ürünlerini belirle. Perakende bankacılık operasyonlarını analiz et. Müşteri ilişkileri yönetimi (CRM) becerilerini değerlendir. Perakende bankacılıktaki teknolojik entegrasyonu açıkla. Bankacılık sektöründeki yeni eğilimleri ve zorlukları keşfetmeyi açıkla.Describe the banking industry. Identify retail banking products Analyze retail banking operations. Evaluate customer relationship management (CRM) skills. Describe the technological integration in retail banking. Explain the explore emerging trends and challenges in banking sector.
FNS307ECONOMICS OF BANKING ( ECONOMICS OF BANKING )Z303.06.03Bankacılık ekonomisi dersi, ekonominin geniş çerçevesi içinde bankacılık sektörünün işleyişini yönlendiren prensip ve uygulamaların kapsamlı bir anlayışını sağlar. Öğrenciler, bankacılık operasyonlarının temelini oluşturan ekonomik teorilere ve modellere dalarak, finansal kurumlar, piyasalar ve genel ekonomi arasındaki karmaşık ilişkiyi keşfederler.Economics of banking course provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices that govern the functioning of the banking sector within the broader framework of economics. Students will delve into the economic theories and models that underpin banking operations, exploring the intricate relationship between financial institutions, markets, and the overall economy.
FNS309PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE ( PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE )Z303.06.03The Principals of Finance is designed to introduce students to key financial concepts. It will provide information on importance of finance, identify the three primary business decisions that financial managers make, key differences among the three major legal forms of business, the role of the financial manager and the five principles of finance. This course will familiarize students to firms and financial markets, risk-return concepts. Moreover, this course will describe and analyses the debt valuation and stock valuation.
FNS311BANK ACCOUNTING ( BANK ACCOUNTING )Z303.06.03Banka muhasebe dersi, bankacılık endüstrisine özgü muhasebe prensiplerini ve uygulamalarını kapsayan kapsamlı bir keşif sunmaktadır. Müfredat, temel muhasebe kavramlarından ileri finansal araçlara ve düzenleyici uyumluluğa kadar önemli konuları içermektedir. Öğrenciler, bankacılığın dinamik ve düzenlenmiş ortamında karmaşık muhasebe manzarasında gezinmek için gerekli bilgi ve becerileri geliştireceklerdir.Bank accounting course provides a comprehensive exploration of accounting principles and practices specific to the banking industry. The curriculum covers essential topics ranging from fundamental accounting concepts to advanced financial instruments and regulatory compliance. Students will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex accounting landscape within the dynamic and regulated environment of banking.
FNS315MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING ( MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING )S303.06.03Understanding cost accounting fundamentals. Use of financial and operational information in the pursuit of organizational goals. That is, use of information for performing planning, directing, and controlling decisions in order to attain strategic objectives of an organization. In this regard, this course entails an understanding of how to use financial and operational information for cost control, cost management, process improvement, performance measurement, and decision-making.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
FNS302FINANCIAL MANGEMENT ( FINANCIAL MANGEMENT )Z303.06.031. Introduction To Financial Management 2. Financial Statements, Taxes And Cash Flow 3. Working With Financial Statements 4. Discounted Cash Flow Valuation 5. Interest Rates And Bond Valuation 6. Equity Markets And Stock Valuation
FNS304INTERNATIONAL FINANCE ( INTERNATIONAL FINANCE )Z303.06.03This course studies the global financial environment. It mainly examines the international monetary system, exchange rate regimes occurred in the past starting with gold standard, and then fixed and fluctuating exchange rates; contemporary exchange rate regimes, exchange rate determination, international financial markets and transactions in foreign exchange markets in which banks and bankers are more likely to encounter in their usual operations. Major areas covered include globalization process of financial environment, exchange rate determination, balance of payment, foreign currency derivatives with other hedging activities against foreign exchange risks through international financial instruments and foreign direct Investment theory and strategy.
FNS306RISK MANAGEMENT ( RISK MANAGEMENT )Z303.06.03Introduction to Risk Management: Definition of risk and its significance in various contexts. Overview of the risk management process. Types of Risks: Financial risks (market, credit, liquidity). Operational risks. Strategic risks. Legal and regulatory risks. Reputational risks. Risk Identification: Techniques for identifying and categorizing risks. Risk registers and documentation. Risk Assessment and Analysis: Quantitative and qualitative methods for assessing risk. Probability and impact analysis. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Risk avoidance, reduction, transfer, and acceptance. Developing risk mitigation plans. Risk Monitoring and Control: Ongoing monitoring of identified risks. Implementing control measures. Financial Risk Management: Hedging strategies. Use of derivatives in risk management. Operational Risk Management: Process mapping and analysis. Internal controls and best practices. Strategic Risk Management: Aligning risk management with organizational strategy. Balancing risk and reward. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understanding legal and regulatory frameworks. Compliance requirements and implications for risk management. Insurance and Risk Transfer: Role of insurance in risk management. Captive insurance and other risk transfer mechanisms. Crisis Management and Business Continuity: Developing crisis management plans. Ensuring business continuity in the face of disruptions. Risk Communication: Communicating risk information to various stakeholders. Effective communication strategies. Ethical Considerations in Risk Management: Ethical responsibilities in risk management decision-making. Balancing interests and ethical dilemmas. Case Studies and Practical Applications: Analyzing real-world case studies. Practical exercises and simulations. Risk Management Frameworks and Standards: Overview of industry-standard frameworks (ISO 31000, COSO ERM). Compliance with international standards. Integration with Project Management: Incorporating risk management principles into project management. Risk management in project planning and execution. Emerging Trends in Risk Management: Exploring current trends and technologies in risk management. Predictive analytics and artificial intelligence in risk assessment.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
ECO403MONEY AND BANKING ( MONEY AND BANKING )Z303.06.031. Introduction to the course 2. An Introduction to Money and the Financial System 3. Money and the Payment System 4. Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, and Financial Institutions (Funds Flowing through the Financial System, Financial Instruments and their uses, Underlying Versus Derivative Instruments, A Primer for Valuing Financial Instruments) 5. Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, and Financial Institutions (Financial Markets & their Role, Primary versus Secondary Markets, Debt and Equity versus Derivative Markets, Characteristics of a Well-Run Financial Market, Financial Institutions & their role) 6. Future Value, Present Value, and Interest Rates 7. Bond Basics , Valuing the prncipla & Coupon Payments 8. Understanding Risk (Defining Risk, Possibilities, Probabilities, and Expected Value, Variance and Standard Deviation, Risk Aversion, the Risk Premium, and the Risk-Return Trade-off, Diversification) 9. Bonds, Bond Prices, and the Determination of Interest Rates (Consols, Bond Yields, Yield to Maturity, Current Yield) 10. Bond Supply, Bond Demand and Equilibrium in the Bond Market, Factors That Shift Bond Supply 11. Review & presentations, Understanding Changes in Equilibrium Bond Prices and Interest RatesThis course presents the students underlying economic explanations for why the financial system is organized as it is and to teach them functions of the financial system in the economy. It focuses on the role of interest rates, financial markets and institutions.
FNS405PORTFOLIO MANGEMENT ( PORTFOLIO MANGEMENT )Z303.06.03Bu ders, portföy teorisini anlamayı, varlık tahsis stratejilerini öğrenmeyi, temel, teknik, nicel ve nitel yaklaşımları içeren çeşitli güvenlik analizi yöntemlerini öğrenmeyi ve portföy optimizasyon modellerini ve uygulamalarını anlamayı amaçlamaktadır.in this course teaching to understand portfolio theory, Assets allocation strategies, Learn various methods of security analysis, including fundamental, technical, quantitative, and qualitative approaches, and Understand portfolio optimization models and their application.
FNS407CORPORATE FINANCE ( CORPORATE FINANCE )Z303.06.03Kurumsal finans dersi, öğrencilere kurumsal finansın temel prensipleri ve kavramlarına giriş yapmayı amaçlar. Finansal analiz, değerleme, sermaye bütçeleme, risk ve getiri, ve kurumsal finansal kararlar gibi konuları içerir.Corporate finance course introduces students to the fundamental principles and concepts of corporate finance. It covers topics such as financial analysis, valuation, capital budgeting, risk and return, and corporate financial decisions.
FNS409BANKING REGULATIONS AND SUPERVISION ( BANKING REGULATIONS AND SUPERVISION )Z303.06.03Dönemin sonunda öğrenciler şunları elde edeceklerdir: 1. Bankacılık düzenlemelerinin Tarihsel Gelişimini Anlama. 2. Bankacılık düzenlemelerinin kurulmasına yol açan tarihsel bağlamı keşfetme. 3. Düzenleyici çerçevelerin evrimini şekillendiren önemli olayları ve krizleri inceleme. 4. Federal Rezerv, Para Denetleme Dairesi (OCC) ve Federal Mevduat Sigorta Kurumu (FDIC) gibi önemli düzenleyici kuruluşların rollerini ve fonksiyonlarını tanıma. 5. Bankaların düzenleyici standartlara uyumunu sağlamak için kullanılan mekanizmaları anlama. 6. Düzenleyici kurumların kullanabileceği uygulama araçlarını ve eylemleri keşfetme. 7. Basel III çerçevesini inceleme ve bu çerçevenin bankaların sermaye yeterliliği üzerindeki etkisini anlama. 8. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform ve Consumer Protection Act'i inceleme ve finans endüstrisi üzerindeki etkilerini anlama.At the end of the semestre students will gain; 1. Understand the Historical Development of Banking Regulations. 2. Explore the historical context that led to the establishment of banking regulations. 3. Examine key events and crises that shaped the evolution of regulatory frameworks. 4. Recognize the roles and functions of major regulatory agencies such as the Federal Reserve, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). 5. Understand the mechanisms for ensuring banks' compliance with regulatory standards. 6. Explore the enforcement tools and actions available to regulatory agencies. 7. Study the Basel III framework and its impact on banks' capital adequacy. 8. Examine the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and its implications for the financial industry.
Ders KoduDers AdıDTTPKECTSH.S.İçerik TRİçerik ING
FNS404COMMERCIAL LENDING ( COMMERCIAL LENDING )Z303.06.03Introduction to the course LENDING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: MANAGING CREDIT RISK LENDING TO BUSINESS FIRMS and PRICING BUSINESS LOANS Credit Risk Measurement and Management of the Loan Portfolio Analysis of Financial Statements Consumer Loans, Credit Cards, and Real Estate lending Credıt structurıng and understandıng clıent’s needs Review & presentations
FNS406INTERNATIONAL BANKING ( INTERNATIONAL BANKING )Z303.06.03- Characteristics of International Banking and its products - The business of foreign trade - The principles of foreign exchange and international credit.
BUS406STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ( STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT )S303.06.03in this course to learn basic of management to understand the Foundations of Strategic Management, Analyze the External Business Environment, Evaluate Internal Organizational Capabilities, formulate a Vision and Mission Statement, Promote Sustainable Business Practices.
EBS : Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi Eğitim Öğretim Bilgi Sistemi Kıbrıs İlim Üniversitesi AKTS Bilgi Paketi AKTS Bilgi Paketi ECTS Information Package Avrupa Kredi Transfer Sistemi (AKTS/ECTS), Avrupa Yükseköğretim Alanı (Bologna Süreci) hedeflerini destekleyen iş yükü ve öğrenme çıktılarına dayalı öğrenci/öğrenme merkezli öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımı çerçevesinde yükseköğretimde uluslarası saydamlığı arttırmak ve öğrenci hareketliliği ile öğrencilerin yurtdışında gördükleri öğrenimleri kendi ülkelerinde tanınmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından 1989 yılında Erasmus Programı (günümüzde Yaşam Boyu Öğrenme Programı) kapsamında geliştirilmiş ve Avrupa ülkeleri tarafından yaygın olarak kabul görmüş bir kredi sistemidir. AKTS, aynı zamanda, yükseköğretim kurumlarına, öğretim programları ve ders içeriklerinin iş yüküne bağlı olarak kolay anlaşılabilir bir yapıda tasarlanması, uygulanması, gözden geçirilmesi, iyileştirilmesi ve bu sayede yükseköğretim programlarının kalitesinin geliştirilmesine ve kalite güvencesine önemli katkı sağlayan bir sistematik yaklaşım sunmaktadır. ETIS : İstanbul Aydın University Education & Training System Cyprus Science University ECTS Information Package ECTS Information Package European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which was introduced by the European Council in 1989, within the framework of Erasmus, now part of the Life Long Learning Programme, is a student-centered credit system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme specified in terms of learning outcomes and competences to be acquired. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education more transparent across Europe and facilitates the recognition of all studies. The system allows for the transfer of learning experiences between different institutions, greater student mobility and more flexible routes to gain degrees. It also offers a systematic approach to curriculum design as well as quality assessment and improvement and, thus, quality assurance.