The program’s goal is to provide a professionally guided education in software engineering that prepares graduates to transition into a broad range of career options, so that the graduates of Software Engineering Department have opportunities to work at various public and private institutions carrying on business in the fields of management, education, industry, trade and service; at banks, universities, the firms producing and marketing computer equipment, hardware and software in our country where computer usage is rapidly spreading. You can work as a Business Analyst, Hardware Engineer, Management Consultant, Programmer, Researcher, Software Developer and as many other roles in companies such as IBM, NHS, ARM, BBC, EA Games and Google. Within a few years of completion, graduates exhibit the following characteristics: Be agile software developers with a comprehensive set of skills appropriate to the needs of the dynamic global computing-based society. Capable of team and organizational leadership in computing project settings, and have a broad understanding of ethical application of computing-based solutions to societal and organizational problems. Acquire skills and knowledge to advance their career, including continually upgrading professional, communication, analytic, and technical skills.